Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #712: Good-Bye Vibrations



It's "Good-Bye Vibrations" for Team Flash as they bid a fond farewell to Cisco and Kamilla. After they announce their intentions to leave, Cisco feels a little put out after they all take it so well; especially Barry and Caitlin. But he tries to get the team more interested in his departure by helping with one last mission. Rainbow Raider 2.0 is whammying a lot of money out of people and the main effect she has is the euphoric happiness people feel. In fact, Cisco gets a dose of bliss and begins interfering with the mission. It gets worse when Barry gets a dose too. Hopefully they can stop her in time for an epic farewell party. Jay and Josh try to read each other's poker faces on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!