Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #619: Success is Assured



An early season finale means that "Success is Assured" ...for the villain! Without the Speed Force, the team is not sure what to do to get Iris out of the Mirror World. Then Ralph remember the diamond he got from Sue, which leads them to a warehouse that could give them what they need to stop Carver once and for all. But Eva's mirror Singh burns it down before they get what they need. Now they know they'll have to protect Carver before Eva gets her vengeance. Now that the warehouse is burned down, Sue infiltrates Carver's organization to take him out. Ralph tries to convince her it's not worth it, but they may be too late anyway when Sunshine, Ultraviolet, and Dr. Light show up to help Eva. The team fights valiantly to save the arrogant man, but Eva is powerful. Can they stop her and save Iris too? Looks like we'll have to wait all year long to find out. Jay and Josh go multi-screen on the season six finale of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!