Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #606: License to Elongate



Dibney, Ralph Dibney has a "License to Elongate". That doesn't always mean that he's going to use his powers though. Sometimes it takes a little finesse. He takes Barry along on a mission to find Sue Dearbon at a party run by weapons dealer, Remington Meister. But Barry isn't used to doing things so slowly. So when his impulses get them caught, Ralph comes up with a much more spy-like plan to stop Meister from destroying Central City; truly the mark of a primary hero. Back at STAR Labs, Chester P. Runk emerges from his recovery chamber and tries to get back to his day-to-day life with the help of Cecile. And Nash uses Allegra as his main resource to get into the Monitor's underground vault. Problem is, he spills the beans about the whole team to Allegra. Jay and Josh are gettin' stretchy wit' it on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!