Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #511: Seeing Red



Cicada has Flash "Seeing Red" this week! After he begins going on another killing spree, the gravelly-voiced villain breaks Nora's back, leaving her paralyzed and Flash more determined than ever to stop him. The team discovers that he's been using the police meta records to track them down. So they need to find a way to protect them before he catches up. Cecile arranges to put them in protective custody, but first the team has to convince them that it's a good idea. They don't trust heroes much, so they ask Norvock to help out. He's pretty bitter and only looks out for himself, but he's scared of Cicada, and they begin rounding up everyone on the list. Caitlin and Killer Frost are having some inner struggle about Cisco's meta cure research. Frosty's afraid that Caitlin my take it, so she tries to stop her at every opportunity. For now, all they have time to think about is healing Nora and getting the others to safety. But Flash's anger may put an end to Cicada in a very un-heroic way. Jay and Josh try not to