Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #508: What's Past Is Prologue



Sometimes "What's Past is Prologue" if you have the ability to time travel. The team tries to find a way to stop Cicada from murdering Metahumans, but the only viable solution seems to be one proposed by Nora. Go to the past, collect items that they can use to neutralize the dark-matter-infused knife that Cicada uses for his powers. It takes a little convincing, but Barry even agrees to let Nora go along with him on this scavenger hunt through time. The first stop is the final battle with Savitar to get a shard from his suit. From there, they must get a transmitter used by Zoom, and finally they need it all affected by the original particle accelerator explosion. Sounds easier than it is, and of course things begin to go wrong. So much that they even have to use an Eobard Thawne from the past to help out. Eventually, they do find their way back, and when they confront the big bad, he proves to be a little trickier than they had hoped. And to top things off, Sherloque is discovering some secrets that Nora is k