Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #410: The Trial of the Flash



All rise for "The Trial of the Flash". Barry faces a judge and a jury of his peers for the murder of Clifford DeVoe. Lucky for Barry, he's got himself some good representation as Cecile takes the case. Joe loves his beautiful girlfriend but he's not taking any chances. He asks Ralph for his expert detective skills to find something that could help end this case on a good note. He'll need to find something really good though, because prosecuting attorney Anton Slater has plenty of incriminating evidence. Meanwhile the rest of the team tries to figure out how to find and stop Fallout, a metahuman that could blow up the whole city. It looks like a rough week for Team Flash. The only thing that might save everyone is if Barry reveals his true identity to everyone. And since we all know he's not going to do that, we better brace ourselves for a little alone time in Iron Heights. Jay and Josh call for order in the court on this week's episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!