Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #223: The Race of His Life



Barry runs in "The Race of His Life" against Zoom. After Zolomon kills Henry, Barry is so distraught that he wants to kill Zoom. Unfortunately for that plan, Barry is too much of a hero to go through with it. So Zoom does it himself with his handy, dandy time remnant. Now Zoom has challenged Barry to a race that will destroy the multiverse if Flash loses. The team thinks that's a bad idea, so they lock Barry up and try to stop Zoom themselves. It would have worked, but Joe is abducted to Zoom's Earth 2 lair. Wally lets Barry out to race. Barry has a trick ready though, and he manages to stop Zoom with the help of some dark allies. What life altering decision will Barry make for next season? Jay and Josh remove their iron masks on this week's season finale of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!