Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

Scarlet Velocity #207: Gorilla Warfare



Don't think you can use bananas to defend against "Gorilla Warfare". When Grodd is in town, you're gonna need a speedster. But Barry is healing from his brutal beating at the hands of Zoom last week. Not just the physical injuries, but the humiliation and sense of failure. The only person that can help him feel confident again is Henry Allen. But when Grodd takes control of Caitlin's mind, they realize that they don't have much time to stop the mopin' and start the runnin'. Jay and Josh remind you of the two classic blunders: never get in a land war on Earth 2 and never go against a Grodd when death is on the line on this week's Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,…urk…