Mind Revolution

Creating Positive Habit Loops



You’ve probably heard by now about my Radically Different NLP Money Mindset Rewrite program. It’s a 21-day program that drips encouragement to help you reset your money mindset.    I’ve been getting some great feedback so far. Here’s what I see the most: It’s difficult for people to stick with the program. It’s hard to create new habits!    Sometimes we get bored with a new habit. Or we forget why we wanted to install a new habit in the first place. Or we just get tired and want to do something familiar and comforting instead.    We have to decide that what we want is more important than staying in the same old thinking and behavioral patterns. You know, the behavioral patterns that are comfortable — the ones that got us where we are right now.   To support you in establishing new habits…   Clearly identify what you want using only positive language. Ask youself… Who do I have to be to live that way or get that outcome?  What beliefs and attitudes do I need to adopt to make this happen?  What routines would