Mind Revolution

5 Things that Block Your Flow of Abundance and What to do Instead



My take on abundance is that it’s always here, always available. It’s on tap 24/7, ready to pour into your existence. And it’s our scarcity thinking, old stories, and patterns that stop the natural flow of abundance. And all the years of coaching others and my personal work point to this:  No, you don’t have to earn abundance, and you don’t have to wait until you deserve it. It just is.   And I’m talking about abundance in all good things – an abundance of health, wealth, time, laughter, joy… Full, unbridled abundance.   So why might you not be feeling abundance in your life right now?    Old neural patterns, ideas of scarcity, and negative beliefs about money and prosperity divert our focus and keep the abundance-that-always-is out of our awareness much of the time. We get bogged down by our sensory experience and lose sight of all the prosperity and plenty that is around us.    Want to experience more abundance in your life? Yeah, me too! To do that, you must stop doing the following:    Stop blaming. Stop