Movie Oubliette

The Rocketeer



Conrad and Dan strap on asbestos leggings and propel themselves back in time to 1991 for the nostalgic family action/adventure The Rocketeer. Set in the Art Deco glamour of 1938 Los Angeles, it stars Bill Campbell as the daredevil pilot who stumbles upon a prototype jetpack and puts himself and his partner, Jenny (the breathtaking Jennifer Connolly), in the crosshairs of a mob gang lead by Paul Sorvino and the Nazis, led by secret spy and silver screen icon Neville (dashing but dangerous Timothy Dalton, in one of his first post-Bond roles). It has an adventuresome score by James Horner, VFX by ILM and is helmed by ILM-alumni and future Captain America director Joe Johnston. But why didn't it take off in 1991? And does it soar now? Find out! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Support us on Patreon to nominate future films and access exclusive bonus content