Anastasia Ryzhkova Podcast

AstroCast: Jupiter & Neptune or Odin & Dionysus



Jupiter and Neptune are about to meet in the sky and rain on us with luck and prosperity? Or, are they? What does the conjunction mean for us mere mortals? Find out in this episode what I've discovered so far about the two archetypes and their upcoming alignment.  I don’t believe that we can predict the future by looking at the stars. But I believe we can familiarise ourselves with the archetypes before they manifest. It’s like preparing for a test. You’d want to have an idea of what your will face, but you wouldn’t be able to predict exactly what would be on a test. Another way to look at archetypes is to familiarise ourselves with the mythology of the planets. Joseph Campbell spoke about myth in this way, “ symbols of mythology are not manufactured; they cannot be ordered, invented or permanently surpassed. They are spontaneous productions of the psyche, and each bears within it, undamaged, the germ power of its source.” In other words, the myth lives and thrives within all of us collectively and through as