Regular Joes Podcast

Episode 433 Too Much and Not Enough



This week, while the Joes are not talking about Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness, they review the just wrapped seasons of Picard and Moon Knight. In its sophomore season on Paramount+, Star Trek Picard, the only Trek series headlined by a nonagenarian protagonist, slowly goes where any number of shows have gone before. There are some good moments, which the Joe’s point out, but as the show closes out year two of its three season run, we are again left wondering, is nostalgia really enough? While Picard’s ten episode run seemed a little drawn out, Disney+’s Moon Knight felt like it needed more runway. Six episodes should be amble time to get to understand a character. But, then again, most characters don’t come equipped with five, often conflicting, personas. Perhaps Tod, the resident Moon Knight aficionado, put it best, what Moon Knight needed was more Moon Knight. Maybe we will learn more in season two … if there is one. Of course there’s always the usual random topics and a particularly diverse c