Terrible Book Club

Episode 11 - Maradonia and the Seven Bridges by Gloria Tesch



Although not strictly necessary, we recommend listening to this episode along with the other Maradonia episodes in the following order: Episode 11 - Maradonia and the Seven Bridges Episode 62 - Maradonia and the Escape from the Underworld Episode 63 - Maradonia and the Gold of Ophir Episode 86 - The Secret of Moon Lake Episode 87 - Maradonia and the Law of Blood We've returned to the fantasy realm with the first book in the Maradonia saga. It was written by a child/teenager. I know, I know - Terrible Book Club shouldn't be attacking children! We're not - we assure you. While this was written when the author was younger, she and her family continue to tout her work as amazing years later. This book/saga has become popular on the internet due to its struggles with syntax, grammar, spelling, and general storytelling in addition to the Tesch family's antics in relation to promoting the book. Many thanks to listener Robert Kennedy for saving this episode and sending it to us to re-post after it was lost in 2015!