Regular Joes Podcast

Episode 439: Hello There!



Since Disney took over the helm of the Star Wars Galaxy fan response has been, well … mixed. And while you can’t please everyone, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s six episode run proved the House of Mouse can do right by a legacy character. While not a perfect series, Obi-Wan aptly demonstrated that even a story you think you know can be improved in the telling. Note: there will be SPOILERS, but since you probably saw a film called Star Wars at some point you likely knew where things were going. This past weekend Barry and Dave visited EternalCon mostly to see 1970’s TV icons Lee Majors and Lyndsey Wagner AKA the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman. Because, really, who wouldn’t want to if you could? There’s also an extra large, bonus sized Random Topics because they skipped a week. Thanks for listening!