Nerd Lunch

Episode 1 - Nerd Personality Tests



Announcing the newest venture by Nerd Lunch...a podcast! That's right, we're taking the discussions we've made infamous one step further and having them in auditory form. Jeeg and I will be joined by our good friend Paxton Holley from the Cavalcade of Awesome to hash out nerdy and foodie topics. And on occasion, we'll be joined by other special guests as well. We are happy to be the first podcast to be released under the banner of The Atomic Geeks Podcasting Network. A couple of podcasts today, tomorrow the world. In episode one, CT, Jeeg, and Paxton get to know one another a little better by taking some Internet personality tests. Find out which nerd is C-3PO, which is Chuck Norris, and who could survive the longest if chained to a velociraptor. Plus one of the nerds reveals an impressive and somewhat frightening knowledge of the Care Bears. If you want to play along at home, you can check out the quizzes we took here: Oatmeal Quizzes Check out the first episode and let us know what you t