Big Scary Show – Episode III – Busy Weekend



Coming off the heels for the busiest convention weekend for the Haunt industry has not slowed down production of the third episode of the monstrously growing Big Scary Show. First off Badger speaks to Ricou Browning about his career and how he brought to life an iconic movie monster. Then Badger takes a few min with Stacy Saman to talk about her art and Gothic Gourds. Deadline News is packed with late breaking info right off the floor of HauntCon. The Roundtable of Terror welcomes special guest Charles Terry from Haunterís Digest to give us a complete breakdown of Apps and how they can help bring the way your haunt entertains customers to the next level. Jerry Vayne has been getting new music submissions at and some new dark compositions are featured on the show. The Unknown Scare Actor uses his trip to HauntCon for inspiration while channeling the fears of procrastination and Ohio drivers. Meanwhile Storm redefines reality with a wild rant in the Haunt Minute. Listen carefully for a sp