Movie Oubliette

Waterworld (with Mikey Neumann and Zoe Wells)



Mikey Neumann and Zoe Wells of FilmJoy join us as we scoop up Kevin Costner's sci-fi action adventure Waterworld (1995) from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Yes, it's the film that reunited him with Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) director Kevin Reynolds and then, $175 million dollars and a box office bomb later, caused their second acrimonious split. But can a film with Dennis Hopper in an eye patch be all that bad? Is Jeanne Tripplehorn playing a character or is she merely extant? Is a central character irredeemable if he hurls a small child into the ocean? Find out! Check out FilmJoy on the YouTubes and follow Zoe and Mikey on the Tweets! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram Support us on Patreon to nominate future films and access exclusive bonus content