Consuming The Craft

The Evolution of the Craft Beverage Institue with John Lyda



John Lyda is a full-time faculty member at AB Tech and is the thumb that grasps the educational hammer in our Brewing, Distillation, and Fermentation program. It’s the first two-year accredited degree in the country that gives students an Associate’s of Applied Science in Distillation and Fermentation. After working at The Highland Brewing Co. for over 20 years, John took his passion and applied it to teaching at the Craft Beverage Institute. Today, John and I discuss the evolution of the Craft Beverage Institute and how he has been an essential part of directing the curriculum. We explore how interest from international students has added more products to the program and the exciting capstone projects our students have created. We share why a two-year degree is an advantage compared to going straight into the industry and give examples of how our students' careers have benefited. We also explain how the degree covers the business aspects of brewing and the networking opportunities people gain when completing