Regular Joes Podcast

446: Game of Thrones . . . Lite



Remember back in the day, when the arrival of that extra thick TV Guide Fall Preview Edition offered up all sorts of promise for the coming network TV season? Yes, that’s as much a thing of the past as filling your tank for less than a $50 bill. This week the Regular Joe’s give slightly more time than is due to the scant offerings served up for the fall season. Unless of course you’re big into Reality TV, or endless spinoffs of police procedural‘s. There is one new show that all three hosts plan to give a try. See if you can guess. In case you have missed spending your Sunday nights in Westeros, HBO is offering up a return trip with House of Dragons. Which is proving to be, “must see TV,” as long as you’ve got nothing much else to watch. Remember all those crazy, unpredictable plot twists and betrayals in Game of Thrones? Remember all that time you devoted to trying to figure out what would happen next … or possibly keep track of any one of 700 reoccurring characters? Yeah, this is not that. On the plus side