Strong Female Leads

SFL S6E15 - Made up Monarchies



News Debs: Noteworthy Book review:   Kate: Archie Comics   Debs:     Main topic   There are miles-long queues here in the UK to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Today we look at some of the monarchies that have mattered (perhaps more) to us in fiction!   Game of Thrones. A whole series about a battle for the royal seat. You watching House of Dragons?   Aragorn King Triton/Elsa/   Queen Momby   Pevensie Kids from Narnia   King Arthur   The Princess Diaries   Star Wars?   Fave? Worst/Best Why is the idea of monarchy so popular in fiction Which land would you like to rule?   Bonus Feature -- D23 Top Ten Debs, welcome to highlight ANY of the things you think are key. We'll do a dash through the top ten. Maybe 5 and 5 each? https://d2