Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

When You're Being Tested and Redirected



What if the universe really truly has your back. What if, every time you find yourself feeling comfortable in life, the universe will make sure that something happens so you can keep evolving. As a person, on all levels. The universe is making sure that you, as an individual, becomes the highest version of yourself. And to become the highest version of yourself, you have to always be tested, challenged to think in new patterns and leave your comfort zone. What if you could learn to see setbacks and rejections as gifts: you’re being challenged to grow and evolve. I have always had a deep, powerful belief in the universe’s ability to guide and direct. I do believe we are the creator’s of our own opportunities and we can make things happen, but the universe will direct us, slightly, sometimes without us noticing. That guidance can appear as people. When I look back at my life I can see how every person who showed up in my life ultimately taught me something, or led me somewhere, or introduced me to someone, th