Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Jesus Broke Traditions and Norms.



Do you realize that Jesus broke cultural norms?In this video, I address why the Samaritans were considered “half-breeds" by the Jews. This derogatory term and dismissive attitude by the Jews goes way back to the days of Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar.Jesus intentionally engaged with this despised group.In John chapter 4, Jesus ministered to a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. It was no accident. The scriptures clearly state in John 4:4: “Now he [Jesus] had to go through Samaria.” It was a mission of destiny. Guess who he sent on an errand? His disciples. Why? They were not ready to reach the Samaritans and He sent them away so as not to interfere with this divine encounter. Jesus broke religious norms concerning the Sabbath, eating food without ceremonial washing. Jesus also reserved His harshest remarks towards religious leaders.Watch this video to see if you are struggling with traditions and norms set by men and women. The fear of man is a snare. It is time to break free and fulfill God’s plan