Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Men: An Endangered Species! [Part TWO]. Role of Feminism. #feminism



Feminism that arose in the 1960-70s had both a good and negative role in our society. The good thing feminism did was its emphasis on equality among both genders. The bad it brought into our culture is that it perhaps unwittingly emasculated the man, and essentially made men disposable. Thus, the ascent of fatherless homes has wreaked a long lasting devastating impact on the nuclear family.Hardest hit is the black family structure. As the saying goes, "when White Folks Catch a Cold, Black Folks Get Pneumonia." Before succumbing to public outcry, #BLM once had on their website the goal to: “dismantle the patriarchal practice” and “...disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.." Both concepts prove to be a combustible ideological mix and harmful blow to the black family structure which already suffers the generational stronghold of fatherlessness.Ironically, perhaps the so-called concept of 'toxic masculinity' is the result of men growing up without fathers.If we follow the word of God