Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Activist, or Gospel Preacher, or Both? - Kay Taiwo



Are you a Gospel Minister or Activist? How do you see yourself: Called or Cause-oriented?Do you wear one of these hats (gospel minister) but the other (activism) appeals to you more? Is this a struggle that you can't seem to shake? Well, you are in good company. Moses, and the Apostle Paul are examples that come to mind.Once at a grocery store, I had an experience that I thought was overt racism. Please watch and see what I learned from this sobering experience. This was one of those life lessons and cautionary tales that demonstrates that things aren't always as they first appear.May God open our eyes to understand and grasp His plan; undistracted, unhindered, and unshackled by the forces that seek to trap us. Amen!========================================SUBSCRIBE to Kay & Olu Taiwo’s Youtube Channel!https://www.youtube.com/c/KayOluTaiwoGet BOOK by Kay & Olu on VISION: The Vision Guided Life: God's Strategy for Fulfilling Destinyhttp://visionguidedlife.com/#order SUPPORT THIS MINISTRY FINANCIALLYhttp