Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Fentanyl: One Pill Can Kill! - Kay & Olu Taiwo



SUBSCRIBE to Kay & Olu Taiwo’s Youtube Channel: Youtube.com/KayOluTaiwoKay and Olu Taiwo are licensed Pharmacists and have each practiced Pharmacy for over 25 years.It’s 5 pm, do you know the drug your teenager just took?There is an epidemic that is killing people all over America. We are not talking about car accidents, suicide, or gun violence.We are talking about the illicit use of fentanyl on our streets. There is an invasion of fentanyl mixed with street drugs. It is being marketed covertly on social media and targeting our children.Fentanyl is a painkiller that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and highly restricted in hospitals. Yet, this drug is now being mixed with other drugs and being targeted to teenagers and college students.Just one pill can kill!In this video (in our capacity as licensed Pharmacists, each with over 25 years experience), we provide a stern warning to parents, teenagers, college students, and anyone who is at risk. We also provide information for how to get help with