Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

TheConstant - 1.05 White Rabbit



When Krista and I started recording, we had a bit of a wait as we got everything situated with Natasha and the Unspoiled! Network, so…we just kept recording episodes. That left us with a bit of a quandary now that we’re posting them: how often do we release them? We want to catch up and be ‘current’ with the other podcasts, and that was looking nearly impossible until Krista had the idea to do something to tide people over during the holidays. And so The 12 Days of Lostmas was born!One the first day of Lostmas The Constant brought to you…A place for all the water! And some capital-D-capital-I Daddy Issues, just in time for the holidays! In this episode, Jack is either losing his mind or the Island is messing with him because he’s seeing his father everywhere. But he also finds fresh water and a safe shelter, so all is not…lost. (Sorry, not sorry). It’s a good thing he did, because things on the beach have gotten dire, no thanks to stupid Boone.We hope you enjoy this episode, and we’ll be back tomorrow with th