Unspoiled! The Constant: Lost

TheConstant - 1.03 Tabula Rasa



This is the first episode to really showcase what the show will be. Its flashbacks are specific to one character, and we learn just enough about them and how it relates to what’s happening on the Island to keep us eager for more. In this episode, we learn a little – and I do mean a LITTLE – about Kate. Is she a grifter like Krista believes? What did she do to have a US Marshal track her all the way to the farmlands of Australia? What happened to Ray? (We may never know the answer to that one).On the Island, we have Jack struggling with the fate of the injured Marshal, the campfire gang agreeing to keep the transmission details from the rest of the survivors, Locke helping Michael look like a good dad, Sawyer trying to do the right thing poorly, and Kate keeping her secrets.