Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

The one thing that changed how I talk to myself and my people



Today I'm sharing one simple idea from the book Yes, And by Kelly Leonard that actually changed the way I speak to myself and to other people.  I’m very critical of myself. I have high standards, I am my own worst critic and toughest coach. Whenever I stand in front of a decision, I used to always say.. “yes, but…” “Yes, but… I am not skilled enough, good enough, pretty enough, popular enough,.. “Yes, but, I don’t have the contacts, the resources, the energy.” “Yes, but, remember what happened last time, yes but things don’t ever go that way, yes but be more realistic, yes but but but but…" What happens the second you say BUT is that you interrupt the flow of the yes. It’s basically a no. The premise of this book I'll be talking about in today's episode is: imagine switching that but out to and… Yes, and… You will then start saying things like ... “Yes, and... this has been challenging before so I’m going to have to be real smart about the plan forward." “Yes, and, since you don’t have those resources yo