Ciampa And Klein Blow Your Mind

#171 - What Does C.O.M.B.A.T. Stand For? (Airwolf S4E8)



This week, St. John and Locke go toe to toe in court! Listen in as we discuss, at great length, pumpkin spice syrup, large magnets, Mike Rider, and so much more! Plus, friend of the podcast Bobcat Goldthwait swings by the Lair to say hello!Episode Title: Code of SilenceOriginal Airdate: March 13th, 1987Find The Knight Rider Years on this feed!: Episodes 1 - 95Check out Dom’s Delight and Sinjin Lover over on Soundcloud: and Follow The Jean Bruce Scott Archive on Facebook: Years Opening Theme Song by: Steve Corning, http://thinkfishtank.comAirwolf Years Closing Theme by: Lee Hutchings (Instagram: @leehutchings84)Airwolf Years Logo Design by: Luke Larsson, http://www.meaningfullymaed.comLair sounds composed by: Kag SpuntFollow us on Facebook: @airwolfyearsTwitter: @AirWolfPodEmail us: letusblowyourmind@gmail.comCall our Hotline: (207) 835-1954Rate and review us on