Future Bachelor

Episode 240 | “Wower”



Si & Veronica are having a long day for episode 240! We are back at two episodes a week for the penultimate week of Paradise. The mood on the beach is similar to ours with everyone still reeling after Rodney’s departure, making it especially hard for Mara to elbow her way into giving a date card out. The cougar claws come out between her and Florence, but Flo snags her baby man Justin back. Kate spends half of the first night shit talking Logan yet gets upset when he says she’s critical of him. Ency and Lindsey arrive to take some men on a double date but it ends up being just a date between Ency and Andrew after Logan has to turn Lindsey down by demand of Kate. Gabby and Rachel make an appearance on the beach to spill some tea and just bring their bitterness out on Logan. The dumbest fight in the history of fights breaks out between Genevieve and Aaron, but the ole “let me pack my bags” trick works in their favor to stay together. Becca and Thomas come down to the beach to invite everyone to a Sadie Hawk