Consuming The Craft

Leveling the Playing Field for North Carolina Distilleries with Leah Howard



Leah Howard wears a lot of hats. She is the President of the Distillers Association of North Carolina (DANC), a mutual benefit corporation that strives to promote the common business and regulatory interests of businesses in the North Carolina craft distilling industry. She also serves as the CEO of Cultivated Cocktails, a distillery dedicated to creating joy and bringing people together over quality spirits and craft cocktails—and she does it all while being a mom. Leah joins me today to discuss how the Distillers Association of North Carolina strives to level the playing field for all businesses in the state’s craft distilling industry. She shares the mission and history of the DANC and how it’s working to create parity between beer and wine. She also describes how the North Carolina ABC Commission functions, how their regulations impact local small businesses, and how consumers can support local craft distilleries and businesses in North Carolina. This week on Consuming the Craft: ●     DANC’s campaign to