The Therapist In My Pocket, Pocket Talk



Insights and observation of a spiritually awakening woman, who happens to have a psychotherapisy in her pocket.


  • Only The Bravest Souls Mp3

    30/01/2016 Duration: 10min

    The Therapist in my Pocket, Janny Juddly, comes across a young man in a bank queue who is striking fear into everyone in the bank. In this podcast, she describes what happened, and how the young man's very special gift of disability touched every heart.....

  • Easy Like A Baby

    13/12/2015 Duration: 11min

    Do you know just how simple Law of Attraction really is? That it's about how we're feeling in our steady state, not complicated at all? In "EASY LIKE A BABY" psychotherapist Janny Juddly, 'The Therapist in my Pocket,' takes us back to th basics. Starting with a baby.....

  • Echoes Down The Years

    12/12/2015 Duration: 22min

    You know those moments when current time stands stll, and you're five again, or fifteen, or thirty? And a complete memory has you in its grip? You're no longer here, but suddenly back then? Psychotherapist Janny Juddly, 'The Therapist in my Pocket', shares one of her own experiences and helps us all to understand what's happening.....

  • Dear Child Of The Universe

    08/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    A message pings into 'Therapist in my Pocket' Janny Juddly's inbox. It says, "DearTherapist in my Pocket, please can you teach me how to love myself?"........ Here is Janny's reply.

  • Hay House Radio Interview (behind the scenes)

    30/11/2015 Duration: 13min

    Behind the scenes at this afternoon's Radio Interview Recording! Share the vibes! And thank you to everyone who sent good wishes, love and high vibes! They worked! Love and hugs and sparkles! Janny xxx

  • Take Two Empaths

    15/11/2015 Duration: 34min

    Are you an Empath? Do you know the difference between empathising and identifying, and why it matters? Psychotherapists and awakening facilitators Janny and Nicky bring you another gem from "The Therapist in my Pocket."

  • Pocket Talk, Episode 1: Psychotherapy Meets Spirituality

    28/10/2015 Duration: 37min

    Psychotherapists Janny and Nicky discuss the difference that their own spiritual awakening has made to their understanding of our human journey, and the spiritual adventure we're all embarked on. Psychotherapy meets spirituality at the leading edge!

  • Introducing "Pocket Talk"

    13/10/2015 Duration: 05min

    Introducing "Pocket Talk", a space where psychotherapy meets spirituality at the leading edge!

  • The Embrace

    08/09/2015 Duration: 04min

    A celebration of our connection and oneness, and the embrace that hold us all. Written and read by Janny Juddly, 'The Therapist in my Pocket', from her book, "Dancers Amongst The Stars, the wonder, the beauty and the magic of who we really are, seen through the eyes of an awakening woman, who happens to have a psychotherapist in her pocket."

  • Letter From An Animal Guide

    08/09/2015 Duration: 07min

    A humorous look through the eyes of an animal guide, as he tries to show his humans how to 'go with the flow.' Written and read by Janny Juddly, "The Therapist in my Pocket," from her book, "Dancers Amongst The Stars", the wonder, the beauty and the magic of who we really are, seen through the eyes of an awakening woman, who happens to have a psychotherapist in her pocket.