Love Predictions By Medium Rachel Love



Weekly Love Forecast by Medium Rachel Love Every week there is a new prediction posted. If your on iHeart it takes a few clicks to get to the current predictions as they post them from the beginning. Remember these are for Entertainment Purposes Only.


  • Love Prediction for Week beginning Friday April 8th 2016

    08/04/2016 Duration: 352h00s

    Love Predicitons by Medium Rachel LoveWeek starting Friday April 8th 2016/ Basically weird energy is going to be at the forefront of the week. With the New Moon, mid week things improve. Just go with the flow and perhaps you might discover something new about yourself and your lover.

  • LOVE PREDICTIONS-April Fools Week

    01/04/2016 Duration: 238h00s

    April Fools Week begins with some trouble with the home front. Deception and misunderstandings mix with romance and that can create some heartbreak and empty bank accounts. So use caution this week especially with lovers too good to be

  • Love Predictions Good Friday

    25/03/2016 Duration: 221h00s

    Live Streaming New Earth International Presents Love Forecast for the week beginning Good Friday 2016. Pluto will be the culprit behind the pranksters actions this week. Expect some Game Playing and Family Drama this week. Medium Rachel Love consults the stars and the Cosmos for your weekly Love Predictions every Friday on the New Earth Network

  • Love Predictions Starting March 19th

    19/03/2016 Duration: 150h00s

    Live Streaming New Earth International Presents LOVE PREDICTIONS BY Medium Rachel Love. Short and Sweet Version. Many will be enjoying some exciting fun things this

  • Love Prediction Week starting March 11th

    12/03/2016 Duration: 289h00s

    Live Streaming New Earth International Presents LOVE PREDICTIONS BY Medium Rachel Love. A week where the left over energy will be oozing out of just about everything in our lives including romance and sex. So watch for over dramatic actions in flirting and a lot of expressed emotions afterwards.

  • Love Predictions March 4th 2016 by Medium Rachel Love

    04/03/2016 Duration: 441h00s

    Live Streaming New Earth International Presents LOVE PREDICTIONS BY Medium Rachel Love. A week of sweeping energy that will put just about everyone in Flux. Some will be feeling extra hot and some will be wanting to share their most personal stories and others will be hopping from one encounter to another. Certainly a week of Flux then an Eclipse to add the extra spin. Best to be aware of what is happening than to face this week un prepared.

  • Love Predictions Feb 26, 2016

    27/02/2016 Duration: 492h00s

    A week of Fire and Turmoil. As many will be seeking release romantically many others will be seeking release from pent up anger. Certainly creates some issues. for my online site check out

  • Love Predictions Feb 19th

    19/02/2016 Duration: 500h00s

    Full Moon will be bringing most very romantic thoughts. Sure and with that some anxiety for my Cancer Sisters. But overall a very romantic week. Watch for some to be flying their Freak Flag and of course keep an eye on your budgets.

  • Valentine Week Love Prediction

    13/02/2016 Duration: 474h00s

    Valentine's Week Predictions by Rachel Love. Looks like Love Connections is certainly in the stars for most of us.

  • Rachel Love's Weekly Love Prediction Feb 7 2016

    07/02/2016 Duration: 443h00s

    I can see some passions flaring. I can see some desires growing to a crest causing some to make possible unwise choices. Then I can also see many having a very good time this week. The planets and the Stars are lining up for a very active week for all of us.

  • Love Horoscope Week Starting Jan 31

    31/01/2016 Duration: 457h00s

    Rachel Love brings her weekly Love Horoscope Predictions. Looks like damage after the Retrograde Storm is on the schedule for most of us. Some will enjoy new opportunities and Some will find exciting possibilities due in large part to the new position they find themselves in after the storm..

  • Love Forecast Jan 24th

    24/01/2016 Duration: 501h00s

    Retrograde is ending! And now we can begi n to clean up the mess she helped cause. But still there are some of us who have not faired well under the effects. Leaving us to figure out what to do next or who to bring with us as we mover forward again.

  • LoveForecast Jan 17th 2016

    17/01/2016 Duration: 387h00s

    Sure Retrograde is still here. But we manage to adapt pretty well to anything and besides it is just three times a year so we just shrug it off and go about our lives.That being said she still has a way to make things complicated.. And some of us are using that to our advantage. Some of us are able to be more playful and blame it on retrograde.But love is blind and as we reach for things in the dark sometimes were still surprised on what pops up.

  • Love Prediction Jan 10th 2016

    10/01/2016 Duration: 591h00s

    Retrograde still plays a major role in the weeks prediction. Plus a little help from a couple other factors and we have us a full week of interesting events. Love is certainly in the stars for many of us. But there still seems to be many us looking backwards at prior loves and disappointments. Perhaps we can learn something from doing so. But we must be careful not to stumble as we move forward looking over our shoulders.

  • Love Forecast Jan3d 2016

    03/01/2016 Duration: 600h00s

    Retrograde. Mid week.. Yes I know, I shouldn't have even mentioned it but you should be aware of her influence regardless how much we don't want to admit it, she does influence so much of us. I would suggest you get things in order and figured out early this week so you can make retrograde a more pleasant experience. That being declared many of you will find the beginning of a new love and most of us will enjoy some time reflecting on what we want out of our relationships. Retrograde ends just before Valentine's Day.

  • Weekend Love Guide May 1st

    30/04/2015 Duration: 693h00s

    Perhaps you are wondering what the stars have in mind for your love making plans for the weekend? Or perhaps your just looking for some entertainment either way I have the weekend Love Guide for your viewing pleasure. entertainment only

  • Weekend Love Prediction April 17th

    17/04/2015 Duration: 629h00s

    Spring Fever, More Sunshine and Plenty of Bunny Thoughts. That all has nothing to do with the weekend prediction. It is based on the Stars and the Moon and its always the same weather there. lol But still how can young feel positive surrounded by spring like flowers and green trees. entertainment only, I'm not a doctor and you should consult your own doctor when it comes to the benefits and risk of sunshine and playful sexual practices.