Brother Priest Preaching Podcast



Sunday Sermons that reveal the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and challenge the Christian people


  • Peter Has the Key to Being a Good Steward | #1044

    24/08/2020 Duration: 15min

    Ordinary 21 - We all have gifts. Are you using your gifts to build yourself a nice tomb? You will be able to build up others when your life is built firmly on the rock that is Jesus Christ.

  • When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer | #1043

    16/08/2020 Duration: 10min

    Ordinary Time, 20th Sunday (A) What do we do when God doesn’t answer our prayers? We have all had the experience of not seeing prayers answered. Our Gospel shows us how to respond. The Canaanite woman wants Jesus to cure her tormented daughter. First Jesus doesn’t seem to be listening. Then Jesus doesn’t seem to care. The woman responds by ... Read More

  • Where Is She Going? | #1042

    15/08/2020 Duration: 13min

    Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary • This feast answers the two great questions of life. First, Where are we going? Modern western society is based on ignoring that question. Instead, we try to make our time on earth as long and as comfortable as possible. But what is the point of a long or a short ... Read More

  • What the Still Small Voice Said | #1041

    10/08/2020 Duration: 13min

    Ordinary 19 - I start a new assignment while covid rages. In the midst of the storms of our lives, the still small voice says to us: “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid.”

  • Riding the Merry-go-Round Without Getting Dizzy | #1040

    26/07/2020 Duration: 16min

    Ordinary 17 - So much to do and so little time. How do we keep from getting dizzy? King Solomon asks God for a change of heart. I needed the same change of heart in order to survive a crazy assignment that was much too big for me. Now it’s your turn.

  • Do This Before You Kick the Bucket | #1039

    20/07/2020 Duration: 14min

    Ordinary 16 - After years of dreaming, I finally paddled my kayak from Oconto to Door County. You have been equipped for the journey to Eternal Life. But are you moving in the right direction?

  • Roundup for the Soul | #1038

    14/07/2020 Duration: 14min

    Ordinary 15 - Let the seeds of print, mass-media, and bad example grow in your heart and you will turn out like Alessandro Serenelli. If the good seed of God’s word grows in your heart, you will become like Maria Goretti. What is growing in you heart?

  • O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything! | #1037

    05/07/2020 Duration: 12min

    Ordinary 14 - America became and independent nation because the colonies were interdependent on one another. In a similar way, we can only find true independence when we depend on God and support one another.

  • The Lost Art of Hospitality | #1036

    28/06/2020 Duration: 15min

    Ordinary 13 - Hospitality turns strangers into friends. I was blessed by your welcome and I hope you were blessed by my presence. As the Diocese moves priests, welcome the new priest as Christ. Today in the Eucharist, Christ welcomes you.

  • Pilgrims Experience the Father’s Care | #1035

    21/06/2020 Duration: 15min

    Ordinary 12 — God is not a deadbeat Dad! On our walking pilgrimage we experienced his care in water, weather, and custard. God loves you, hears you, and cares for you. Pray for men to reflect the fatherhood of God.

  • Finally We Can Be Together in Flesh and Blood | # 1034

    14/06/2020 Duration: 11min

    Corpus Christi - For 12 weeks we could only be together virtually. Now we can be together in flesh and blood. God desires to be with you in the flesh, so he created the Eucharist. Don’t just take Communion; enter into Communion with the God who loves you.

  • How to Sew America Back Together | #1033

    07/06/2020 Duration: 21min

    Trinity - How should we respond to the protests, racism, and injustice that are tearing America apart? The Packers show us the way to listen and stand together. The Trinity is willing to welcome us, should we not welcome others?

  • Cherish the Gift of the Holy Spirit | #1032

    31/05/2020 Duration: 19min

    Pentecost - The Holy Spirit calls us back to our true identity as children of God the Father, members of the Body of Christ, and temples of the Holy Spirit. Don’t just receive Communion; cherish Him and hold tight to the Holy Spirit and the Sacred Heart.

  • Let Me Share With You My Finest Achievement | #1031

    27/05/2020 Duration: 16min

    Easter, Ascension - My greatest achievements weren’t my achievements, they were OUR achievements. Jesus is the Head of the Body. That means He is closer to you than when He walked on earth. Ask for a deeper connection with Jesus your head.

  • Tears of Gratitude | #1030

    17/05/2020 Duration: 15min

    Easter 6 - Today I have to tell my parishioners that my journey with them will end in August, when I will begin a new journey with the three parishes in Antigo as their pastor. I am grateful for the blessings of this assignment. I bow to the Jesus in you.

  • You Have a Place Prepared for You | #1029

    10/05/2020 Duration: 16min

    Easter 5 - You are chosen and precious and have a place prepared for you in Heaven. Holy Mother Church will birth you into eternal life and Jesus will be there to catch you. Jesus has a place prepared for you; do you have a place prepared for Jesus?

  • Why Should God Bless America? | #1028

    07/05/2020 Duration: 07min

    National Day of Prayer - What do we have to repent of? We are guilty of valuing things more than people. Do we use the first day of the week to honor God or do we spend it on ourselves? God will bless America when America blesses God.

  • What Did Jesus Mean When He Said I Am The Gate? | #1027

    03/05/2020 Duration: 13min

    Easter 4 - The shepherd would lay in the gap, himself the gate to protect the sheep from the wolves. He does not promise the sheep that their lives will be free of thieves and robbers, only that if they stay close to the Shepherd, they will be safe.

  • God Promised to Handle All My Problems then This Happened | #1026

    26/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    Easter 3 - I dropped my “God will handle your problems” mug and the handle broke right off. Did God let me down? No! Our struggles and sufferings are a participation in the Paschal Mystery. You walked with Jesus and now he walks with you. God’s got this!

  • Where Do You Find Signs of New Life? | #1025

    20/04/2020 Duration: 16min

    Easter 2 - We find peace, not when things change ‘out there’, but when our hearts change. We need to realize the depth of God’s love for us. The trials we are suffering are preparing us for new life. Let Jesus put his finger in your wounds.

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