Recreation Church - Baltimore, Md



Recreation Church is a church that is dedicated to loving, supporting and ministering to people regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic background... just like it should be.


  • What to Expect When You are Chosen

    19/01/2017 Duration: 44min

    Do you have it easy? Is your life a piece of cake? Probably not! Have you ever considered that the reason why this life is so challenging is because God has Chosen you? What if it is true? Today, as we begin our newest sermon series What to Expect When You are Chosen, Pastor Dehm will introduce us to the biblical concept of Bigger is Better.

  • Fixing It

    07/11/2014 Duration: 46min

    We live in a world of quick solutions. If you are hungry you can get some "fast food". If you have 15 items or less you can use the express checkout. However when it comes to our lives and the blessings that we desire from God, we transfer our everyday practices onto God. We think that we are able to "fix it". In this week's teaching, Pastor Vincent Dehm continues our current series Better with a message entitled Fixing It.

  • No Easy Button

    21/10/2014 Duration: 56min

    If we were to be perfectly honest, we would all be better parents if there was an "Easy Button". If when things grew difficult, we could just push it and we would move through the challenging seasons of parenthood arriving on the other side having made the best decision possible that resulted in the perfect childhood moment. But there is no "Easy Button". In this week's teaching, Pastor Vincent Dehm shares with us his experiences when there was No Easy Button.

  • Two Halves

    01/10/2014 Duration: 47min

    Marriage is a miracle. It is the joining of two separate individuals into a single unit without the aid of science, genetics or grafting tools. In this week's message, Pastor Vincent Dehm shows us how God's divine design is for Two Halves to become a whole.

  • The Better Half

    15/09/2014 Duration: 46min

    We have all heard the saying that wives are their husband's "better half" and most of them are. However, are they all that God wants them to be. Today, as we continue our teaching series Better, our Lead Pastor Vincent Dehm shares with us the key points to becoming the wife that God has called you to be, in the teaching entitled The Better Half.

  • Back from Empty

    03/09/2014 Duration: 52min

    We all have been there. We're riding down the road and then all of a sudden the low fuel light comes on. What's your first instinct? What do you actually do though? How far do you push it? Do you wait until you are totally out of gas before you decide to fill up. Today, as we continue our teaching series Better, Pastor Dehm shares with us how being the husband that God has called you to be can literally bring your marriage Back from Empty.

  • Bigger is Better

    19/08/2014 Duration: 48min

    “Bigger is Better” is a common phrase used in marketing. However, it hasn’t been until recently that this saying has been proven to not always apply. With a large house, your utility bill will rise. With a larger car, it will cost more each time you fill up at the gas station. However, in scripture, time and again, we are encouraged to live bigger lives. Today, as we continue our sermon series entitled Better, Pastor Dehm will introduce us to the biblical concept of Bigger is Better.

  • Better

    31/07/2014 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever wished that your life was different? Better? In what way? Today as our Lead Pastor Vincent Dehm begins our new sermon series entitled simply Better, we will learn what the Bible says about living Better lives, having Better marriages, being Better parents, having Better finances and becoming Better lovers...of God. 

  • Getting to Forgiveness

    23/07/2014 Duration: 45min

    What is the enemy's most dangerous weapon against the Christian church today? Booze? Pornography? Inaccurate Bible translations? In today's teaching, Vincent Dehm shows us that Forgiveness is the key to living a blessed Christian life and many of us have not even used it.

  • Alone

    14/07/2014 Duration: 53min

    Was there ever a time in your life when you felt alone? Most of us have. What if God placed those times of loneliness in your life so that He could speak more clearly to you? What if Satan's desire was to do the same? In today's teaching, our Lead Pastor Vincent Dehm walks us through the process of being "Alone".

  • Not Enough Salt

    17/06/2014 Duration: 34min

    Do you add salt to your food? Is too much salt on your plate a bad thing? In today's teaching our Lead Pastor Vincent Dehm explores the concept of a "salty" church in a message entitled "Not Enough Salt.

  • God Ain't Fair

    10/06/2014 Duration: 39min

    Have you ever heard someone say, "God is fair"? Do you believe it? In this week's podcast, our lead pastor Vincent Dehm addresses this statement headon with the message entitled God Ain't Fair.

  • Your Immigration Status

    03/06/2014 Duration: 28min

    In this week's podcast, our assistant pastor Curtis Roberts continues our series "The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached", with the message entitled "Your Immigration Status".

  • Proper Lighting

    26/05/2014 Duration: 39min

    Have you ever watched one of those housing remodeling shows on television? The individuals responsible for these remodeling projects spend a tremendous amount of time, money and effort to make huge changes in the properties. One tool that they use is the use of proper lighting. If light is used in the correct manner, it has the potential to change the entire environment. In this week's podcast, our lead pastor Vincent Dehm begins our series "The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached", with the message entitled "Proper Lighting".

  • A Better Way

    22/05/2014 Duration: 44min

    Most Christians can tell you a list of things that you should do and things that you shouldn't do. We should feed the hungry, care for the widows and orphans and attend church regularly. But how many of us are genuinely nice to people? "Be nice to one another", is not just something that we tell our children as they're playing with their friends on the playground. It is a biblical mandate. As we conclude our sermon series "It's All in Your Head", Pastor Vincent Dehm introduces us to the sometimes foreign concept of just being nice, with the teaching entitled, "A Better Way". 

  • Why Are You So Scared

    06/05/2014 Duration: 51min

    Take a moment and be honest, is there anything in the world that you are afraid of? Death, becoming homeless, getting sick, losing someone that you love. Does this fear motivate you? Is that a good or bad thing? In this week's podcast, our lead pastor Vincent Dehm continues our series "It's All in Your Head", with the message entitled "Why Are You So Scared".

  • Untwisting Your Thoughts and Emotions

    29/04/2014 Duration: 54min

    Have you ever gotten your shoe laces tied in a really tight knot? How much trouble was it to get the knot out? In a lot of ways, our thoughts and our emotions are like that knotted up shoe lace. They can be a pain getting them undone. In this week's podcast, Tracey Dehm continues our series "It's All in Your Head", with the message entitled "Untwisting Your Thoughts and Emotions".

  • Just Let It Heal

    22/04/2014 Duration: 47min

    Have you ever placed a Band-Aid over a scratch or a scrape and when you removed it days later the cut was gone? Wouldn't it be great if there was a Band-Aid that worked like that to heal our emotional pain? In this week's podcast, our lead pastor Vincent Dehm continues our series "It's All in Your Head", with the message entitled "Just Let It Heal".

  • Poisoning the Well

    14/04/2014 Duration: 48min

    We have all had the experience of people saying inconsiderate, hurtful or even just plain mean things to us. Is it possible that these things could stay with us for our entire lives? In this week's podcast, our lead pastor Vincent Dehm continues our series "It's All in Your Head", with the message entitled "Poisoning the Well".

  • Sandblasted

    07/04/2014 Duration: 52min

    Sand is an irritant. One single grain of sand can do major damage to your eye. Sand can even be used in a pressurized system to roughen or clean a surface. In this week's podcast, our pastor Vincent Dehm provides an introduction to our new teaching series "It's All in Your Head", with the message entitled "Sandblasted".