The Archers



Contemporary drama in a rural setting


  • 30/06/2024

    30/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Harrison and Chris are getting ready for a cricket match against Leyton Cross who have won their last four games, buoyed by a new young player. Chris raises the question of Alice’s crash and how she wouldn’t buy cider. It’s a mistake discussing it with Harrison who insists she was drunk behind the wheel and she should face the consequences. Later, Susan congratulates Christopher on a 176 innings but asks if he has fallen out with Harrison, who threw his bat in disgust after Chris ran him out. He confesses that he talked to Harrison about Alice’s case. Susan says he mustn’t let it come between them. Later, Chris buys Harrison a pint and apologises. But then suggests there was someone else in the car with Alice – Harry Chilcott - he might have persuaded her to drive and then ran away. Emma and Ed prepare for a tree surgery job – albeit for Justin Elliott at mates’ rates. As they start work Justin rushes out in a panic. Contrary to what they thought was agreed, he didn’t want more than a small trim on the tree

  • 28/06/2024

    28/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Susan serves Neil lunch and he says Christopher is taking Martha to see Alice. Together they seem almost like a normal family and it’s obvious he still loves her. Susan can’t help thinking things could be better for Martha with all the privilege Alice was born into. She can’t get yesterday’s conversation out of her mind – Brian and Adam fussing over Alice, Lilian keeping her job open. No one is questioning her behaviour. Her not guilty plea is more proof that she’s in denial. Alice is never going to hit rock bottom, says Susan - no one is letting her. Neil says it’s Christopher’s life and they should put his needs first. But Susan wonders if enabling her to keep drinking is helping Martha.Meg Mellor stops to ask Lynda for directions as she goes to collect Bartleby. George, Neil and Eddie are waiting for her and saying their farewells to the pony. Eddie has yet another suggestion about how to spend the money – a new cider press. For the first time George agrees. Meg tells them how she got started taking care o

  • 27/06/2024

    27/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    At Bridge Farm Lilian bumps into Miranda, who asks if they can put aside their differences to help Brian. When George passes Lilian apologises for the stress Alice has caused him. George makes a cryptic remark about people chatting rubbish online before going. Later at The Stables, while filming a video with Justin for one of their livery clients, Lilian still can’t understand what George meant. Justin’s more keen to press on with appointing Carlotta as their temporary manager, starting on a six week minimum contract, but later tells Lilian he knows what George was referring to. He’s found an online thread suggesting Alice could have been drunk while taking riding lessons – and one of the people suggesting this is Emma. Susan goes to see George, taking some carrots to cheer up Bartleby. George is defiant about cancelling Bartleby’s sale, even when Susan points out the vets’ bills will only get bigger. George insists he knows best. But Susan reckons it isn’t always clear what’s best for other people, also thin

  • 26/06/2024

    26/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Joy tells Lynda she wants to go through her ideas for the fete. Lynda is taken aback that Joy already has some arrangements in hand. Mick calls to say the Hollerton Silver Band is not available but Lynda insists music is vital. Lynda says Joy should not underestimate the task ahead. Later, Lynda returns to chat with Joy as she tackles some weeding. As Lynda suggests a school ukulele group, Mick arrives to say the Borchester Found in a Skip band has agreed to perform.Lily can’t decide on the Grey Gables job offer as she tells Freddie that George has called off the Bartleby sale. Mick is dismissive about the work logs as Lily says sending the same thing every week renders it pointless. Mick walks off, agreeing. Lynda chats to Kirsty on the phone about Roy’s decision as she arrives at Grey Gables to collect his address book from his locker. She invites Lynda to join a video call to Roy planned for that evening. After her exchange with Mick, Lily complains to Kirsty that no-one takes her seriously. She agrees t

  • 25/06/2024

    25/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Susan and Joy are filling shelves. They discuss Lynda being mysterious about who will be taking over from her to organise the Ambridge Fete. Joy is not keen on becoming her successor. Jazzer arrives to collect some beans and agrees. Joy says being part of the team effort is more her style. Jazzer suggests a cost of living fete with prizes that are actually useful. Later Joy tries to cheer up Susan who is rattled by Alice’s not guilty plea. Every time she thinks things are getting better they get worse. Joy saw them at the playground and they looked like a normal happy family. Later tired Susan yawns and confesses to Joy she’s not sleeping well over the situation with Alice. The only upside is that Martha has her home and Emma’s to fall back on. George and Eddie are getting Bartleby ready for his tour of the village when Meg Mellor calls to say she’s arrived in Ambridge. George asks if she can come early on Friday so he can take her through Bartleby’s likes and dislikes. She promises she will and George hangs

  • 24/06/2024

    24/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Lily is at Grey Gables on the phone to Mrs Mellor who is buying Bartleby. She wants to park her horse box there. Oliver tells Lily that Roy is staying in Bulgaria. Lily says the hotel can’t run without him – at least it won’t be the same. Oliver will have to manage until a replacement can be found. Lily says she finishes her placement next week. Later Oliver is struggling with printing staff rotas. Lily comes to the rescue. He proposes she take a paid position as his assistant until she goes to university. She was looking forward to some time off but agrees to consider it. But first she insists he sign her assessment. Harrison has a quick word with Chris over coffee. Chris is too busy with Martha to go to nets. George turns up with Harrison’s veg box and reminds Chris about hoof trimming for Bartleby on Friday. They chat about Alice’s not guilty plea and George leaves in a hurry. Harrison admits he has been so angry since Friday. He asks Chris if they can have a chat. It’s awkward as Chris apologises about F

  • 23/06/2024

    23/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Neil brings Christopher some of Susan’s strawberry tart. Chris confesses weekends aren’t easy caring for Martha full time. Adam tells them that Alice pleaded not guilty at court. Both are astounded. And now Alice is not picking up calls or answering the door to visitors. Later, Martha is ready for bed after playing in the park with Alice, which seemed to do them both good. Chris tries to ask why she didn’t plead guilty but Alice shuts him down. Christopher is worried Alice could go to jail – he doesn’t want Martha to go through what he did when Susan was jailed. As George tries to get a perfect take for Bartleby’s last video, Eddie suggests making videos with Gem once he leaves, but George says no way, Bartleby’s a one off. George finally gets the perfect take, gives Bartleby a hug and asks Eddie to take their picture. Eddie has suggestions for the money from Bartleby’s sale but George says no to funding the tree surgery, a new van or a family holiday - the money has to be spent on something Great Granddad J

  • 21/06/2024

    21/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Writer: Keri Davies Director: Dave Payne Editor: Jeremy HoweTony Archer…. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy…. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns…. James Cartwright Alice Carter…. Hollie Chapman Justin Elliott…. Simon Williams Mick Fadmoor…. Martin Barrass George Grundy…. Angus Stobie Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Joy Horville…. Jackie Lye Adam Macy…. Andrew Wincott Paul Mack…. Joshua Riley Azra Malik…. Yasmin Wilde Kirsty Miller…. Annabelle Dowler Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Oliver Sterling…. Michael Cochrane

  • 20/06/2024

    20/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    When Alice turns up at The Stables, Lilian thanks her for dropping by, it can’t have been easy. She offers to go to the court hearing with Alice tomorrow, but Alice declines. Justin checks if Lilian’s told Alice about recent developments, while Lilian’s encouraging Alice to leave so that she doesn’t see Carlotta arriving for her interview. Lilian’s saved by Jakob appearing to discuss Duke’s emergency treatment and Alice is keen to see the horse. Later Justin reckons they should be honest with Alice, but Lilian thinks she’s still too fragile. Justin agrees to wait to see how things go with Carlotta.Alice thanks Jakob for covering for Alice when he discovered her drinking – he’s a good friend. But when Jakob tries to reciprocate, saying Alice is a good stables manager and her replacement will have big shoes to fill, Alice is shocked by the news.Fallon’s trying out Kirsty’s Bushcraft event at the Rewilding site. Fallon admits she nearly didn’t come because of how things are with Harrison. Her birthday

  • 19/06/2024

    19/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    It’s Fallon’s birthday and she and Harrison look forward to their takeaway later. The atmosphere’s broken by a text from Alan to Harrison about the memorial prayers last week. Fallon’s furious but Harrison can’t understand why. They were private prayers with Alan. But Fallon thinks it’s another example of Harrison not respecting her feelings.Adam drives Alice to her GP appointment with Azra. In the car park Adam and Alice chat about Friday’s court hearing. Alice is terrified about the outcome and really needs a drink, but Adam’s reassuring. If Azra can prescribe something that helps Alice stop drinking, then maybe she could chat to Lilian tomorrow about her Stables job. But Alice doesn’t think she can face Lilian after all she’s done. Alice suddenly gets cold feet about seeing Azra, so Adam’s left to convince Azra to come to the car. If Alice can keep off alcohol, Azra will prescribe a short course of medication to reduce the effects of withdrawal. Alice agrees, but Azra warns it’s only a short-te

  • 18/06/2024

    18/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Joy wakes up in Mick’s motorhome and they chat about last night’s after-hours venture into the Grey Gables Spa. Joy hopes Oliver doesn’t check the CCTV as the spa is out of bounds at night. Unfortunately they’re interrupted by Oliver ringing - a guest’s ring has been stolen and he needs to review the CCTV footage. Mick needs to get to his office asap.At The Stables, Lilian’s shocked when Justin explains he’s interviewing Carlotta Mayfield. Lilian thought they were going to discreetly sound people out, not start a formal recruitment process. Justin clarifies that they don’t know if or when Alice will be in a fit state to return to work. In the meantime, Carlotta, or whoever they appoint, can be a stand-in temporary manager. Then if Alice doesn’t come back, someone’s already trained up.Jakob successfully carries out an emergency procedure on Oliver’s horse. Justin passes on the news to Oliver, but they’re interrupted by Mick who’s found the missing ring. Oliver criticises Mick’s rumpled appearance, rem

  • 17/06/2024

    17/06/2024 Duration: 12min

    Tony’s irritated when George is late for his farm shift. George says it’s because he couldn’t sleep last night and fudges that it’s because the family’s selling Bartleby. Whilst Tony is sympathetic, he needs George to be focused at work. Later he discovers George napping against a bale and is furious.At a GP appointment with Azra, Paul explains about feeling itchy recently and how he now has spots in an embarrassing place. He’s worried that Etienne’s open relationship may be the cause. He’s relieved when it turns out to be insect bites, but Azra advises that Paul and Etienne might need to revisit safe sex in light of the open relationship.Adam’s surprised when Alice appears unexpectedly at Bridge Farm when he thought she was still in London. She needs to go to Borchester Police Station to be formally charged and wants Adam to go with her. Alice is glad to be back from Ruairi’s, though there’s lots of people she wants to avoid. At the police station Adam checks whether Alice had a drink when she went t

  • 16/06/2024

    16/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    At the Tearoom, Paul’s surprised to see Fallon looking so well after her drunken night out last week. That is until Fallon explains that she spent most of yesterday in bed at Kirsty’s. But now she feels like a reset button has been pressed and is feeling much better about everything. When Fallon notices Paul looking a bit uncomfortable, he says he’s fine. But later when Kirsty asks him if he’s got fleas or something, he brushes it off as sunburn. Later, Fallon starts to get flashbacks from her night out – and Kirsty’s forced to remind her of rapping and being thrown out of the club. Although Fallon’s embarrassed, it was also just what she needed, and she now feels she’s drawn a bit of a line. And Harrison seems much happier in himself too. Fallon was dreading her birthday, but now she’s looking forward to it with Harrison.Justin mentions to Fallon that there’s been no further cases of Strangles at The Stables. Things are still fraught there though with Oliver’s horse still struggling. Justin’s worr

  • 14/06/2024

    14/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Writer: Nick Warburton Director: Julie Beckett Editor: Jeremy HoweJosh Archer…. Angus Imrie Pip Archer…. Daisy Badger Lilian Bellamy…. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns…. James Cartwright Alan Franks…. John Telfer Ed Grundy….. Barry Farrimond Emma Grundy…. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy…. Angus Stobie Will Grundy…. Philip Malloy Paul Mack…. Joshua Riley Kirsty Miller…. Annabelle Dowler Lily Pargetter…. Katie Redford Stella Pryor…. Lucy Speed Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Oliver Sterling…. Michael Cochrane

  • 13/06/2024

    13/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Stella can’t get over yesterday’s cyber-attack – she should’ve been prepared, but Pip thinks Stella shouldn’t blame herself and anyway Stella may not have been responsible. When Stella starts catastrophising, Pip checks whether everything’s been saved on to the cloud and Stella confirms it has. So nothing’s been lost. Later they discover that it was Brian’s fault – he’d clicked on a link and let the virus in. Stella praises Pip for dealing with it all so calmly, when she’d fallen to pieces.Lily and Josh check in with Paul about his relationship with Etienne. Paul’s very unhappy, particularly when Josh let’s slip that he thinks Etienne is dull and then Lily confirms it. They wonder if Paul might be better off without Etienne, especially as it sounds like he wants to cheat on Paul. Paul’s not sure if he wants to end the relationship yet, but he does want to take Lily and Josh out to thank them for being true mates.The Grundys discuss what they should do about Bartleby – Meg needs to know whether they’re

  • 12/06/2024

    12/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Stella asks for Pip’s opinion on a sustainability paper she’s writing for Borchester Land. Stella agrees when Pip suggests commissioning an ecological survey of all the BL land. But as Stella’s about to add that to her document, the computer starts to crash. Pip realises it’s a cyber-attack, telling Stella to shut it down immediately.Kirsty catches up with Fallon to ask what she wants to do for her birthday next week. Fallon says truthfully she’d just like to spend it with Harrison. She’s missed being close with him. They’re interrupted by Alan who mentions that he’s on his way to see Harrison about the order of service. Fallon knows nothing about it and is upset when she realises it’s a service for the loss of unborn babies. Alan’s apologetic, realising Harrison didn’t tell Fallon, and makes a quick exit leaving upset Fallon to wonder how Harrison could do this to her.Furious Fallon confronts Harrison about organising the service behind her back. He tries to explain that he and Alan were only looking

  • 11/06/2024

    11/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Lily and Josh discuss Paul’s boyfriend Etienne, who’s asked for an open relationship. Paul’s really down about it. Josh thinks Paul would be better off without dull Etienne and they wonder what they can do to help. They decide that it’s best to keep their distance - Paul only has to ask if he needs any support.Lilian visits Paul at the Vets to discuss Oliver’s horse Duke, who’s not showing any signs of improvement from his Strangles infection. Lilian notices Paul’s not himself and asks Josh what’s wrong. When Josh says it’s boyfriend trouble, Lilian points out that Paul’s lucky to have Lily and Josh as housemates to shore him up. Later Lily agrees with Josh that it would be better if they reached out to Paul.George tells Emma that someone called Meg Mellor really took to Bartleby at the County Show on Sunday. He’s invited her over to see Bartleby in his home environment – there might be a commercial opportunity in it, like sponsorship for Bartleby or buying online advertising around George’s posts. Sh

  • 10/06/2024

    10/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Lilian and Paul look over Oliver’s horse Duke, who’s struggling with Strangles. Lilian confides to Paul that she feels she hasn’t managed the situation at The Stables very well – she wouldn’t blame Oliver if he held her entirely responsible for this whole disaster. There’s no guarantee that Duke will survive this. Later when she visits Oliver, he’s understanding and apologises for being snappy last week. Lilian opens up saying she thinks she’s losing her grip by failing to control the spread of Strangles. Oliver knows exactly how she feels – he’s felt like that in the past with Grey Gables, but it turned out alright. With Roy away, Oliver feels that chaos could be one step away again. But we cope, he says! Lilian’s comforted and admits she thought Oliver would shout at her about Duke. She’s not a flimsy woman, but Oliver’s sympathy has made her feel tearful.Lily and Josh sunbathe in the garden and chat about Paul’s messages from Denise who’s having a great time on holiday. Lily muses that now she’s f

  • 09/06/2024

    09/06/2024 Duration: 12min

    When Alan catches up with Harrison, he admits that although things are now good with Fallon, he can’t get away from a nagging feeling about the miscarriage. Alan advises talking to Fallon, but Harrison doesn’t want to rock the boat. When Alan suggests doing something practical, Harrison says he’s already applied for a baby loss certificate, to acknowledge it happened. Alan wonders whether he would also consider a Church of England service for the loss of unborn babies, but if so Harrison would need to share it with Fallon. Later Harrison tells Alan he’d like to do the service and Alan suggests calling round later in the week to talk to both Harrison and Fallon. Harrison’s not sure about putting Fallon in the picture, but he’ll definitely let Alan know if Fallon’s not going to be there.Ed and Emma are at the Borsetshire County Show where Bartleby’s the star attraction in his VIP enclosure. George looks miserable though, but they agree that the recent hero worship may’ve affected him. Will arrives with

  • 07/06/2024

    07/06/2024 Duration: 13min

    Fallon and Harrison wake up together feeling close again, but she checks he was ok that they just cuddled? Of course. Harrison looks for Jolene at the Bull and shares good news with Kenton – Markie has been arrested for receiving stolen goods and should be facing jail. Kenton asks about Fallon and Harrison admits that recently has been the worst time they’ve faced together. Kenton and Jolene really care about Harrison - Fallon is like a daughter to Kenton, and Harrison is like a son.Fallon feels that things are on the up, and Harrison comments about the importance of finding justice for hurt loved ones. Fallon knows what he really means and asks that they don’t go there.Jakob instructs Lilian on dealing with Strangles, and she feels like crying. Lilian is critical of Justin over his assumptions that Alice’s drinking is connected to problems at the Stables and Jakob thinks Justin’s being unfair.Oliver hopes his horse, Duke, will survive, and acknowledges that the Stables have just been incredibly unlucky. But

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