Practical Karma: The Coach Approach Wendy Kay

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Living the successful life is more than luck; its a strategy applied to goals with your own unique imprint. On Practical Karma: The Coach Approach, Wendy Kay and her guests will share real life stories, tools, tips and techniques to tame your destiny and create the future that you deserve. So its part magic and part purpose but its your work and its your life, so take the reins and let it flow!


  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coach Approach – A Visit To The Chiropractor


    Meet Wendy Kay’s own Chiropractor this week, Dr. Jocelyn Hallen, owner of Badger Health Center for 13 years. Get the insight on the philosophy and implications of Chiropractic on your own body. Find out all the benefits of this muscular, skeletal, neurological practice that could most-definitely be the Answer to Eliminating Your Physical PAIN Without […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coach Approach – A Visit To The Chiropractor appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Discover Healing With Reiki


    Have you been hearing about Reiki Healing, but Not Really Understand what Exactly that it is? This show gets into the nuts & bolts of it when Wendy Kay talks with Reiki Master Teacher, Livnam Kaur. Once you get a better understanding of How this Energy Healing Works & the Benefits that You will Enjoy […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Discover Healing With Reiki appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Introduction to Feng Shui Design


    Join Wendy Kay for a Fun Discussion with Good Friend and Personal Feng Shui Practitioner/Designer, Linda Parker. Linda shares about the origin and basics of Feng Shui and How this Energy Work relates to You and What’s Going on in Your Life. Wendy shares some of her personal experience since the practice of Feng Shui […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Introduction to Feng Shui Design appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – What It Takes To Live A Passionate Life


    Wendy Kay talks with a top Expert on What It Takes To Live A Passionate Life, LOA Coach and author of The Passion Test, Janet Bray Atwood, about How to Discover Your Passion, and then How to Make Living Doing It! Find out where to start, and get a Simple Formula for Living Your Passionate […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – What It Takes To Live A Passionate Life appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Looking Into the Mind & Path Of One Of The World’s Top Zen Masters & Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi – Part-2


    Don’t miss this Two-Part Series as Wendy Kay talks with one of the World’s Top Zen Masters & Great Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi. Wendy opens up the discussion to reveal the Mind & Path of Genpo Roshi to best depict the Zen Practice & Experience so that we may all better understand what it’s all […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Looking Into the Mind & Path Of One Of The World’s Top Zen Masters & Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi – Part-2 appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Looking Into the Mind & Path Of One Of The World’s Top Zen Masters & Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi – Part-1


    Don’t miss this Two-Part Series as Wendy Kay talks with one of the World’s Top Zen Masters & Great Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi. Wendy opens up the discussion to reveal the Mind & Path of Genpo Roshi to best depict the Zen Practice & Experience so that we may all better understand what it’s all […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Looking Into the Mind & Path Of One Of The World’s Top Zen Masters & Spiritual Teacher, Genpo Roshi – Part-1 appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – What Is The “Recovery” Coach?


    Wendy Kay talks with “Recovery” Coach, Mal Duane, author of Alpha Chick: Five Steps for Moving from Pain to Power, about Life After Recovery. After losing 25 years to addiction herself, then many years of recovery from it, Mal Duane now teaches others how to Live Beyond the pain they’ve endured to Construct a New […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – What Is The “Recovery” Coach? appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coach Approach – Looking For Career Direction? The Answer Is In The Mirror!


    Join Wendy Kay and World-Renown Personality Expert & Certified Career Coach, Naomi Tickle, to find out how Reading Your Face Can Determine YOUR BEST CAREER PATH. Naomi’s book, What Makes People Tick & Why, reveals the multitude of personality traits that can be found using Face Pattern Recognition. This is another helpful tool available for […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coach Approach – Looking For Career Direction? The Answer Is In The Mirror! appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Need Help To Get All The Effects & Benefits of Deep Meditation?


    HELP IS HERE! Wendy Kay introduces a Tool that assures Your Success in the practice of Deep Meditation with the promise of all its Benefits to your Mental & Emotional Health, Physical Healing, a greater Spiritual Connection & Sense of Wellbeing. Wow! That’s A LOT! You won’t want to miss out on this first-hand introduction […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Need Help To Get All The Effects & Benefits of Deep Meditation? appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – How to Empower & Inspire Young People to Plan Their Future with Purpose


    Wendy Kay brings Future Purpose Coach, Karyn Lisk, to the show to discuss the topic a lot of us are interested in…How Do We Empower, Inspire & Motivate the Young People in our lives to start Living their Purposeful, Passionate lives from the Start of Young Adulthood? Karyn Lisk is the creator of Future Purpose […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – How to Empower & Inspire Young People to Plan Their Future with Purpose appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Do You Have An “Undercover Coach” In Your Life – Or Do You Fit The Description?


    Wendy Kay reveals the “Undercover Coaches” written about in her book, Mastering the Art of Feeling Good. She talks with each guest, Tina Craft of Kentucky & Ralph McClinton, of Chicago about their experiences, traits and motivations as one of the world’s many undercover coaches whose unsong stories are so amazing and admirable. Find out […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Do You Have An “Undercover Coach” In Your Life – Or Do You Fit The Description? appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – 2 Practices Great For The Healthy/Feel Good, Top Performance Lifestyle!


    Wendy Kay offers a Dual-Topic Show in this episode discussing the many Benefits of Massage Therapy with her guest, then roll right into the topic of Live Foods. Do you know about live foods…what it means…what consumption of Life Foods can mean to the health of your body? Find out more here when Wendy talks […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – 2 Practices Great For The Healthy/Feel Good, Top Performance Lifestyle! appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Creating Successful Partnerships At Home & Work


    Wendy Kay asks the question: What are the Secrets to Couples Really Creating Successful Partnerships? Situations of couples working together and running their own businesses are more prevalent now than ever before. To offer some great answers to this, Wendy brings on the creators and teachers of the Workshop, The Instruction Manual For The People […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Creating Successful Partnerships At Home & Work appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Female Mid-Life Gateway & Decisions On Use Of Natural Hormone Therapies


    NOT JUST FOR WOMEN…Wendy Kay brings back, Dr. Rose Kumar, groundbreaking Integrative Medical Doctor & Expert and author of the book, Becoming Real: Harnessing the Power of Menopause for Health and Success. Dr. Kumar shares her insights on the Mid-Life Gateway of Women & her education and use on the Hot Topic of Natural Hormone […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Female Mid-Life Gateway & Decisions On Use Of Natural Hormone Therapies appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coaching Experience


    In this episode, Wendy Kay takes you into the “Coaching Experience.” Most successful people, if not all, use or have used a coach or mentor on their journey to become “successful” in life or in something that they want to excel at in their lives. You will find out all about what coaching can do […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Coaching Experience appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Exploring The Shifting Energies of 2012 BONUS: Learn to Communicate With Your Soul


    Join Wendy Kay as she speaks to The Online Soul Coach, Kelly Canull, and author of An Inward Journey, to get the insight into the changes of the times…the Great Shifts in the World Energies. But first, learn from Kelly the techniques that can be utilized to communicate with your own soul, your higher thinking, […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Exploring The Shifting Energies of 2012 BONUS: Learn to Communicate With Your Soul appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Finding & Keeping TRUE LOVE


    Wendy Kay brings on the “Love” Coach and “Dating for True Love” expert, Pamela Vandervoort, to discuss How to Find True love in Your Life, and then How to Keep it!Find out what Your Obstacles might be that are Blocking YOU from true love. Want to find out what may be keeping you from your […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Finding & Keeping TRUE LOVE appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Family Interfering With Your Success or Happiness?


    Got family issues? Just can’t seem to Tame the Dysfunction around you? Wendy Kay gets down to it in this candid discussion with her guest, David Simonsen PhD, Functional Family Therapist, Speaker and owner of Creative Solutions Counseling. What do you do when you find your family members to be discouraging or negative; can 1 […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – Family Interfering With Your Success or Happiness? appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – – Introduction to Yoga


    Join Wendy Kay for this wonderful introduction to the Practice of Yoga. Find out if this may be the Anit-Aging Solution For You! Wendy talks with India Lineage Yoga Instructor, PJ Heffernan, owner of PJ’s Yoga Shala at Heffernan Wellness Center, the only Ashtanga Yoga Studio in Wisconsin. PJ has spent his lifetime studying yoga […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – – Introduction to Yoga appeared first on

  • Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Laws of the Universe


    There IS Rhyme & Reason for What Goes On in Our Every Day Lives! The Laws of the Universe revealed demonstrate this. Wendy Kay brings on her life and business partner, Kenny Brandon, to discuss the implications of the laws and how, once you’re aware of them, life can go smoother, simpler and more like […] The post Practical Karma: The Coach Approach – The Laws of the Universe appeared first on

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