Finding Your Groove With Kathleen Thompson

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Dedicated to the art of living today and creating tomorrow. The podcast is for those who yearn for a life of adventure and significance, or are navigating through a transition. Hear tips on tuning mind and body, finding your rhythm and developing your unique voice. Kathleen uses music and the arts to communicate a message of joy, hope, and life transformation.


  • Episode #137: Emotional Intelligence – How to Use Your Imagination for Good


    We humans have an amazing capacity to imagine a future and then create it.  How often does our imagination run amok?  Imagining the worst-case scenario.  One that’s hardly likely to happen.  Is there a way to channel that creative imagination for good?  Yes.  That’s what we’re talking about on this episode. Play Episode   |  Subscribe in […]

  • Episode #136: Emotional Intelligence – Let’s Call it What it Is


    How big is your emotional vocabulary? The average is 3 words: mad, sad, and glad. One hallmark of Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and handle a wide range of human emotions in yourself and others.  On this episode we talk about that, and specifically relating to how we’re feeling right now in the […]

  • Episode #135: Emotional Intelligence – Living and Leading in Uncertainty


    The world has turned upside down.  Some of us are fighting a very real battle every day.  And some are practicing social distancing to help in the cause.  We’re all feeling it in one way or other.  The world looks very different from how it did a few short months or weeks ago.  So now […]

  • Episode #134: Emotional Intelligence – Communicating in Crisis


    What happens when things change, are challenging, or even become a crisis?  We often hunker down, avoiding each other.  Yet, it’s exactly in these times that someone with emotional intelligence will communicate more rather than less.  Here’s how to navigate the times of difficulty and communicate with honesty and empathy. Play Episode   |  Subscribe in iTunes | Subscribe […]

  • Episode #133: Afformations


    Have you ever tried positive affirmations, thinking they would help you think your way to a new life?  And it didn’t work?  On this episode, we’re talking about what’s more powerful than affirmations to make change happen.  How to use what our mind naturally does to help us succeed at what’s most important to us. […]

  • Episode #132: Emotional Intelligence – The New Success Superpower


    Financial acumen, programming, storytelling, empathy.  All traits people tell us are or were a success superpower.  On today’s episode, we explore a superpower that is stronger and more comprehensive than all of them put together: Emotional Intelligence. Play Episode   |  Subscribe in iTunes | Subscribe in Stitcher   On This Episode Rhythm of Life – The First Big Test […]

  • Episode #131: Everything is Figureoutable Part 2


    Is everything really figureoutable?  And haven’t we already talked about it?  Yes and yes.  This book by Marie Forleo was so good that I wanted to share what I learned in the second half.  After you listen, why not buy the book and try this yourself?  No matter where you are in life, if you’ve […]

  • Episode #130: My Annual One Word Review


    Can you actually summarize the year with one word?  Not really, but you can have a theme for the year that’s one word.  That’s what we’re talking about on today’s episode.  How my 2019 One Word impacted my life in ways I never would have imagined.  And how you can do it yourself. Play Episode […]

  • Episode #129: My Year End Review


    You know, I always hated the end of year performance evaluations I did on myself and my team.  The format was so restrictive.  It didn’t really tell the whole story.  So this year, I turned the annual review on its head.  I tried it on myself, and thought I'd ’hare it with you.  You might […]

  • Episode #128: My Self-Improvement Experiment – Everything is Figureoutable


    What if you could figure out everything you wanted?  Like how to create a business and life you love?  Make the best of a bad situation?  Deal with something you can’t change and move on?  Well, according to Marie Forleo, you can.  On today’s episode, I’m giving you the low-down on Marie’s book “Everything is […]

  • Episode #127: Give Gratitude All You’ve Got


    Some tell you to have an “attitude of gratitude”.  That sounds catchy.  And it’s not the same as practicing gratitude.  Practicing implies intention.  Work.  Even doing something you don’t always want to do.  Because you know it’s good and right.  Because it ultimately makes a difference in how you feel…and succeed. Play Episode   |  Subscribe in […]

  • Episode #126: The Self-Improvement Experiment – Part 1


    Self-help books.  Some people love them.  Others hate them.  Think they’re fake.  That there’s nothing new under the sun.  That they spend half their time convincing you that you need fixing so you pay them to help you do it.  What’s the reality?  We’re going to explore some together to find out.  It should be […]

  • Episode #125: Your Project is Waiting


    When I returned home from traveling, I was so excited to work on my creative project.  Days went by and I hadn’t seen any progress.  Does that ever happen to you?  You have every intention of making great strides, and then you wonder “What happened?”  If so, this episode’s for you. Play Episode   |  Subscribe in […]

  • Episode #124: Built With Love – Problem Solving


    “Houston, we have a problem.”  This has become so famous that we say it ourselves, even though we don’t work for NASA.  Problems come up almost every day.  Some as small as breaking a dish when it drops on the kitchen floor.  Others require us to drop everything else to deal with them.  Like most […]

  • Episode #123: Built With Love – Your Story


    Stories.  They’ve captivated and entertained us since humankind has been able to communicate.  They help us see things we never saw before.  Cause us to feel anger.  Outrage.  Empathy.  Joy.  Some of them, anyway.  Others?  We wonder when they’re going to end.  Wish we hadn’t heard this one 60 times already.  Want to escape the […]

  • Episode #122: Built With Love – Your Communication


    We’ve talked in our Built With Love series about your product, marketing, culture, and leadership.  Today we’re talking about something that’s foundational to all – relationships.  Imagine how beautiful the world would be if all our relationships were built with love.  You can start to build that world right where you are. Play Episode |  Subscribe […]

  • Episode #121: Built With Love – Your Relationships


    We’ve talked in our Built With Love series about your product, marketing, culture, and leadership.  Today we’re talking about something that’s foundational to all – relationships.  Imagine how beautiful the world would be if all our relationships were built with love.  You can start to build that world right where you are. Play Episode |  Subscribe […]

  • Episode #120: Built With Love – Your Marketing


    We don’t usually speak of marketing and love in the same room, never mind the same sentence.  Yet, what if that’s what it was like, for both parties?  Well, it’s not only possible, but will someday what makes the difference between success and failure. On this episode we talk about how it’s done. Play Episode […]

  • Episode #119: Built With Love – Your Product


    My brother-on-law made me an Irish whistle holder that was work of art.  What made it different?  It was built with love.  You know it feels when you buy or are given something that’s made with love?  It’s completely different from something that was made to be purely useful – or cost effective.  Today we’re […]

  • Episode #118: Built With Love – Your Culture


    Culture isn’t what you say, but rather the total of what each one who’s part of the culture actually does.  Many cultures are built with fear, or without intention.  It just sort of happens, based on how everyone chooses to engage with the others.  To build a culture with love takes intention, practice, and diligence.  […]

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