Bong Baylon Podcast



I'm a thought leader, communicator, coach, and trainer on the topic of leadership.


  • Challenges of Creating Community


    Creating community is not automatic. There's a lot of work to be done to make it happen.

  • Understanding Generation Z


    We need to understand this generation

  • Interview by Saved Radio


    I was interviewed by Saved Radio last Oct 29, 2017. I just thought it might be good to share the interview with you.

  • Practical Areas to Watch


    There are practical areas that we need to watch in order to know the condition of our hearts. We need to look into them regularly, either through personal evaluation or through the feedback of others. This will help us to guard our hearts well.

  • Four Places of Grace


    There are certain places that God can use to nurture the leader’s heart. When the leader chooses to be in these places on a regular basis, his heart will be nurtured. These are called places of grace. Although God is present everywhere, it is in these places that God may choose to engage with us. So the leader who brings himself to such places will indeed be transformed, if he goes there by faith, and with humble expectation.

  • Four Means of Grace


    How can a leader nurture his heart? By cooperating with God’s grace. Grace comes to us through certain means. God uses these means in order to nurture and transform the leader’s heart by His grace. By cooperating with God through these means, and by His grace, a leader’s heart can be transformed and his life will bear fruit according to God’s purpose.

  • Secret Prayers of a Leader


    A leader needs to pray. He also need to learn how to pray in the secret place where only the Lord can see him or her.

  • Hidden Habits of the Leader's Heart


    The leader needs to guard his heart. That's why he needs to learn the hidden habits of the heart.

  • Planning an Event


    We're not always into big picture planning (i.e. strategic planning). Sometimes all we need to do is just plan for an event or a program. I have developed a simple approach for doing this kind of planning. Watch and listen to this podcast.

  • About Vision Frames


    The first thing that you must try to produce in any team or organization is the vision frame. Listen to this podcast to understand what vision frames are and why they are important.

  • Four Steps to Planning


    Planning can be complicated, or it can be simple. Listen to this four step process on planning and see how simple it is.

  • Social Motivation


    Personal motivation is the most powerful and most effective form of motivation. But we are social beings. We are influenced by people around us. Some people influence us more than others. Why? About me: My name is Bong Baylon. I’m a thought leader, speaker, coach, teacher, and trainer on the topic of leadership. I help people lead themselves and others better, so that they can experience a better life together with others. I’m passionate about leadership because I know leadership really matters. More more info, visit my website at

  • Personal Motivation


    What is personal motivation and how does it work?

  • Three Sources of Motivation


    Motivation is the willingness to do something in a certain way because of a certain reason or set of reasons. But where does it come from? Listen to this podcast and find out.

  • What is Motivation?


    Motivation is important in leadership. But what is motivation?

  • Levels and Styles of Leadership


    How do you lead? Well, it depends on who you are leading. Specifically, it depends really on their motivation and ability. This requires understanding the different levels and styles of leadership.