Devote Digital Marketing Podcast



Devote Digital Marketing Podcast. The podcast where you'll learn everything you need to know about Digital Marketing to take your business to the next level.


  • 012 - How To Rank On Youtube | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    21/06/2018 Duration: 27min

    Episode 012 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast teaches you how to rank your videos on YouTube. With a solid listen and a little bit of effort, you'll be ranking in no time! The podcast is split into the following sections: 1. Keywords (keyword research) 2. Publish video (high retention video) 3. Ranking factors (once you've published, what is YouTube looking at?) 4. Video optimisations 5. Promoting your video 6. Optimise Channel #DoingDigitalRight

  • 011 - Major Facebook Algorithm Updates | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    21/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    Episode 011 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast runs through recent Facebook paid algorithm changes, and how they can really benefit (or hurt!) your business! There is a myth that once upon a time, you could compete with businesses who perform well organically (non-paid) by simply injecting excessive budget into your paid social media advertising. This is no longer the case... especially for Facebook! Facebook's new algorithm rewards business who put the non-paid effort in. This includes value-adding content, engaging with enquires and more. The new algorithm can work in your favour, or hurt your bank. Listen to the full podcast to learn how to use the algorithm change to your advantage! #DoingDigitalRight

  • 010 - 5 Ways to Improve Facebook Post Reach

    01/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    Episode 010 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast gives advice on how to maintain your Facebook post reach, and how to make sure Facebook's algorithm changes work in your favour! Facebook's ongoing algorithm changes seem to always reduce how many people will see your posts. We're sorry to break it to you, but that's not going to get any better! Don't fear, though: embrace the change and you can reap the benefits! The latest installment of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast offers 5 recent ways to maintain your Facebook page's organic and paid reach now, and when incoming future changes arrive. No more need to complain that your posts used to "get like 10 times as many likes".

  • 009 - Three Major Facebook Algorithm Changes

    10/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    Episode 009 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast runs through three major impacts of the Facebook Algorithm changes in April 2018. These include the demotion Facebook Page content in favour of "meaningful interactions", changes to the delivery engagement baiting posts and changes in reporting metrics. The Devote Digital Marketing Podcast dives a little deeper than out introduction to Digital Marketing mini-series (episodes 001 - 007). By listening, business owners and digital marketers alike can keep up to date with digital landscape, and how to keep at the top of your game.

  • 008 Cambridge Analytica - Explanation and Impacts

    09/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    Episode 008 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast explains an overview of the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal (when Mark Zuckerberg stood for trial at his Congress testimony!), and highlights the impacts on Facebook Advertising. In short, the impacts cover implications on third-party data, chatbots and audience estimations. Episode 008 of the Devote Digital Marketing Podcast is the first of its kind, following our 7 episode mini-series covering the basics of digital marketing! Podcasts from 8 onward will dive a little deeper than the basics covered in episodes 001 - 007, and keeps business owners and digital marketers alike up to date with digital landscape, and how to keep at the top of your game.

  • 007 - Your Website | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    13/04/2018 Duration: 10min

    Episode 7 of our 7 episode mini-series where we take a shallow dive into the basic of digital marketing. As a business owner, after listening to this mini-series, you'll come away with a great understanding of the digital marketing basics, and what you can do s a business owner to implement some of these marketing tactics to make a big difference your business.

  • 006 - Into To Email Marketing | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    13/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    Episode 6 of our 7 episode mini-series where we take a shallow dive into the basic of digital marketing. As a business owner, after listening to this mini-series, you'll come away with a great understanding of the digital marketing basics, and what you can do s a business owner to implement some of these marketing tactics to make a big difference your business.

  • 005 - Google Organic Vs Paid | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    13/04/2018 Duration: 18min

    Episode 5 of our 7 episode mini-series where we take a shallow dive into the basic of digital marketing. As a business owner, after listening to this mini-series, you'll come away with a great understanding of the digital marketing basics, and what you can do s a business owner to implement some of these marketing tactics to make a big difference your business.

  • 004 - Measuring Your Facebook Ads | Devote Digital Marketing Podcast

    13/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Episode 4 of our 7 episode mini-series where we take a shallow dive into the basic of digital marketing. As a business owner, after listening to this mini-series, you'll come away with a great understanding of the digital marketing basics, and what you can do s a business owner to implement some of these marketing tactics to make a big difference your business.