Southern Fried Socialist



Texas & current political happenings, social justice issues, & civic engagement. Native Arkansan now Texan, Wife, Mom Activist, Progressive, Bernie Sanders Nat'l Delegate, Democratic Socialist, Feminist, Loud, Quirky. Black Lives Matter, Global Warming is real, and Jesus Isn't white.


  • Sign of The Seahorse

    12/11/2020 Duration: 30min

    Lightening the mood with sharing one of our family favorites: The Sign of the Seahorse by Graeme Base. We hope you enjoy it.  --- Send in a voice message:

  • War on Drugs as a Racial Tool - The Lockdown

    08/09/2020 Duration: 26min

    Southern white lady breaks down Michelle Alexander’s - The New Jim Crow. The criminal justice system fuels and perpetuates our racial caste system by continuing, like its predecessors before, to continue to dehumanize, criminalize, and penalize black and brown people of color while locking them out of civic engagement. #BlackLivesMatter --- Send in a voice message:

  • Caste: Mass Incarceration

    31/08/2020 Duration: 26min

    Southern white lady breaks down Michelle Alexander’s - The New Jim Crow. What is a Caste? Let's talk about how Mass Incarceration is the next Racialized Caste System after Jim Crow incented and designed to control Black and Brown people. #BlackLivesMatter --- Send in a voice message:

  • Caste: Slavery & Jim Crow

    24/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Southern white lady breaks down The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. What is a Caste? Let's talk about how Chattle Slavery & Jim Crow are Racialized Caste Systems set up to control Black and Brown people. #BlackLivesMatter --- Send in a voice message:

  • Teachers & COVID19

    12/08/2020 Duration: 16min

    Kate joins me again to talk about what it is like to be an educator during these trying times. My friend shares methods, such as portable wifi, her school is utilizing to get ready for students. We hope for the best; however, the grim reality is that our teachers and school staff are forced into a position that risks their lives and the lives of others. Kate, probably just like a teacher you know, has already drawn up a will, should an untimely death occur due to returning to teaching in person during a pandemic. --- Send in a voice message:

  • COVID19 Could Bench Texas Athletes Before Their Career Starts

    12/08/2020 Duration: 16min

    In an effort to hastily return to normal are Texas coaches endangering student scholarships and putting their best players on the bench for good?  --- Send in a voice message:

  • Jim Crow: A Form Radicalized Social Control

    03/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    Did you know Slavery is still allowed in the United States? Throughout its history, the United States has been structured by a racial caste system. From Slavery to Jim Crow to Mass Incarceration. These forms of racialized social control reinvented themselves to meet the needs of the dominant social class according to the constraints of the era. Join me as I use a bit of guidance from Teaching Tolerance and break down an abridged version of chapters in The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander --- Send in a voice message:

  • TOP - Take Racism Out Of Healthcare Part 3

    02/08/2020 Duration: 28min Click here to donate.  Join the Texas Organizing Project, or TOP for a conversation about the racial bias that still exists within the health care system and what we can do to help take racism out of health care! The system isn’t broken. It is working the way it was designed to work. For years now, we have heard about the poor access to medical care that Black and Brown families are subjected to. We talk about the price of healthcare and how unaffordable it is for black and brown communities. We also hear about maternal mortality cases increasing, particularly in communities of color, particularly with black women. But have you ever asked yourself why? How being black or brown puts us at a higher risk of being dismissed, incorrectly treated, or with a wrong diagnosis or even an incorrect prognosis, regardless of income. Serena Williams, a fantastic and world-renowned tennis player, almost joined this statistic when she gave birth to her daughter, Olympia. ***************************

  • Imitation is the greatest form of flattery: Trump & China

    02/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    Aint that some Scooby-Doo Convenient bulllllllshit.... --- Send in a voice message:

  • TOP - Take Racism Out Of Healthcare Part 2

    01/08/2020 Duration: 21min To donate click here.  Join the Texas Organizing Project or TOP for a conversation about the racial bias that still exists within the health care system and what we can do to help take racism out of health care! The system isn’t broken. It is working the way it was designed to work. For years now, we have heard about the poor access to medical care that Black and Brown families are subjected to. We talk about the price of healthcare and how unaffordable it is for black and brown communities. We also hear about maternal mortality cases increasing, particularly in communities of color, particularly with black women. But have you ever asked yourself why? How being black or brown puts us at a higher risk of being dismissed, incorrectly treated, or with a wrong diagnosis or even an incorrect prognosis, regardless of income. Serena Williams, a fantastic and world-renowned tennis player, almost joined this statistic when she gave birth to her daughter, Olympia. ****************************

  • TOP - Take Racism Out Of Healthcare Part 1

    31/07/2020 Duration: 28min To donate click here.  Join the Texas Organizing Project, or TOP for a conversation about the racial bias that still exists within the health care system and what we can do to help take racism out of health care! The system isn’t broken. It is working the way it was designed to work. For years now, we have heard about the poor access to medical care that Black and Brown families are subjected to. We talk about the price of healthcare and how unaffordable it is for black and brown communities. We also hear about maternal mortality cases increasing, particularly in communities of color, particularly with black women. But have you ever asked yourself why? How being black or brown puts us at a higher risk of being dismissed, incorrectly treated, or with a wrong diagnosis or even an incorrect prognosis, regardless of income. Serena Williams, a fantastic and world-renowned tennis player, almost joined this statistic when she gave birth to her daughter, Olympia. ***************************

  • What is the Census?

    31/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    In this podcast, I tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the Census!  --- Send in a voice message:

  • AOC, Mask It or Casket, & Invictus

    24/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    Have you seen AOC go off on Yoho the Yahoo? It is epic. Do you wear masks in public, or are you a t#atwaffle? Let's talk about masks and infection control, baby! Since we are grab bagging topics why not keep you guessing and wrap it up with a poem. Oh and I like Douglas on Netflix Hannah Gadsby.  Facebook: Twitter: @carpepossum --- Send in a voice message:

  • Routine, Portland, This is an Uprising

    21/07/2020 Duration: 39min

    While I seriously consider mainlining Dunkin Donuts coffee in my bedroom closet...... I talk out loud to myself about how I have strived for a routine for mental health. Hey! What's up with portland: A digestible little break down of what is going on and why it matters, with vocabulary and a few amendment refreshers. I attempt to calm it back down a bit with an interesting fact revealed in the excerpt from This is an UpRising: How Nonviolent Revolt is Shaping the Twenty-first Century.  Facebook:  Twitter: @carpepossum --- Send in a voice message:

  • Greetings, COVID, & My Mom

    18/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    Thank you for joining me in this crazy endeavor. I have no idea what I'm doing, I am squirrel brained, and I more than likely cuss entirely too much for your taste. It is also highly probable that I am going to make you uncomfortable. In my first ever podcast, I share with you how COVID has affected me and why I started this podcast. I share with you my very first Shit My Mom Says segment, where my mom and I have a blunt conversation covering a range of topics. I wrap it up by highlighting a book I consider significant The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Time of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. Facebook: Twitter: @carpepossum --- Send in a voice message:

  • Howdy!

    18/07/2020 Duration: 34s

    Greetings and Salutations! These days it seems a little tense... Fires, Droughts, Plague... We barely escaped Locusts (Murder Horners). I'm fairly positive that only happened because someone dropped their ferret in the space time continuum again. We got Racists, Nazis, Incompetent Politicians frolicking around dicking with policy that affect people. Inequality, Systems of oppression, the for profit medical.industry, and lack of leadership is just flapping about like one of those inflatables you see writhing about in front of car dealerships . Our parents and grandparents have decided SCIENCE isn't a THING. Good thing I have an arsenal of probably unhealthy coping mechanisms....... So, why should you stay? Do you enjoy dark humor and sarcasm in order to get through the Orwellian nightmare we know as life? Do you like facts with cited sources..? Are your cats threatening to unionize if you don't stop orating to them about infection control, state and federal jurisdiction, racism in America and shit your mother

  • Evolving

    16/07/2020 Duration: 07s

    Hellllllo! So. I pretty much went AWOL. I'm gonna give this another whirl. Let it be known and stated it has been A WHILE since I have been back online. I'm sure my other podcastys are floating around the interweb.   Facebook: Twitter: @carpepossum --- Send in a voice message: