Monet Doesn't Understand



There's a lot of things in this world I don't get, comprehend, I just don't plan ole understand. Join me as a rant and rave about everything from pop culture, to politics, to the environments, to the world's latest trends, and even my own name.


  • Birth Week & Month

    17/07/2019 Duration: 07min

    What is a birth week? What is a birth month? Why do some people out there think that they're so important that the DAY they were born should be celebrated for longer than 24 hours?

  • Where Have I Been?

    08/07/2019 Duration: 06min

    In case you're wondering where I've been... well here's the answer.

  • Thanksgiving

    23/11/2018 Duration: 10min

    What IS Thanksgiving? Why do we celebrate it? Why is Thanksgiving not loved like Halloween or Christmas? Is Thanksgiving just one huge conspiracy?!?

  • Christmas Music

    09/11/2018 Duration: 13min

    Why are people so into Christmas music? What about Christmas music makes it so great? Why are there 100 different variations of the same 10 songs? Is it the bells, do the bells hypnotize people?

  • Monèt Doesn't Understand Social Media

    31/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    Why are there SO MANY social media websites? Who the heck is using Google+? Why do some couples share a Facebook profile? How are people still getting catfished in 2018?

  • Monèt Doesn't Understand MTV

    24/08/2018 Duration: 14min

    What happened to MTV? When did they stop playing music videos? When did MTV become RTV? And what the hell happened to the VMAs? Is anyone else confused by the best new Artist category? And when did VH1 become the new BET?

  • Monet Doesn't Understand Entertainment

    03/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    How do bad television shows and movies get made? Is there no one at the networks or studios that says "Hey, we probably shouldn't put this out to the public."? Why does Adam Sandler keep making HORRIBLE movies, and why do people keep seeing them? Who thought a show about singing cops would be a good idea?

  • The Bachelorette

    27/06/2018 Duration: 11min

    Why does the Bachelorette exist? What type of people decides to go on a national television show to "find love"? Have these people never heard of online dating? How much power do the producers have on the show? How do you explain this to your future kids?

  • School Shootings

    19/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    No intro. No music. No comedy. Just me, talking to you, trying to figure out why this keeps happening.

  • Generations, Nostalgia, Drugs, and Turn Signals

    09/05/2018 Duration: 19min

    What's a millennial? When did Generation Z begin? Why don't people ever use their turn signals? ESPECIALLY when they're turning?!? Is weed really a "gateway" drug? How long does the high from meth last? Why is Hollywood so obsessed with '90s nostalgia right now? Did they run out of ideas? Was anyone even ASKING for Roseanne to come back?

  • Riding Asses, I'm Grown, and Credit Card Debt

    25/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    Why do people ride asses? What does the term "I'm grown!" actually mean? Is there a reason why people are rude to poor customer service workers? Why do young people get into so much credit card debt? Is everyone buying 75" TVs?!?

  • Speed Limits and Toilet Seats

    07/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    Why does the speed limit on the interstate change? Why don't people put the toilet lid covers down when they're done using the potty? Why is my wife here?!?

  • Teens, Gas, My Name and Condoms

    21/03/2018 Duration: 16min

    Why are people criticizing the teens that are trying to change gun reform? Why is it that same adults think teens can't have opinions or voices? When, why, and how do gas prices change? How is it that people don't know how to pronounce my name? Why did my gas station increase their price by 10 cents during a 7 hour period? How do guys know what size condoms to buy?

  • I Can TOTALLY Have My Cake and Eat It Too!

    08/02/2018 Duration: 18min

    Why can't I have my cake and eat it too? Aren't i literally eating the cake while having it? Why do so many awards shows exist? Do the artists even care about the awards anymore? Did you know Russell Wilson played baseball before playing in the NFL?!?

  • Sports and Kim K

    01/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    The Big Game is happening, but why do we care so much? I don't understand people that burn jerseys or cry after a sports game. Why can't we speak ill of the dead but it's ok to talk crap about them when they were alive? How do I know if someone is hitting on me or just being nice? I'm not 100% sure why parents are letting Kim Kardashian raise their kids, shouldn't you raise your own children?

  • Tide Pods and Snow

    29/01/2018 Duration: 11min

    It's the first episode of Monet Doesn't Understand! I'm not understanding why teenagers are eating poison, just to get internet fame. Snow has NO USE for this world yet for some reason people like it. Also, I get stretching, I understand that it's important, but what is the point if I'm going to pull a muscle WHILE stretching?!? And guess what?! You can own Hilter's tax return!