Hill City Rva

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 66:24:03
  • More information



Our message and mission is simply to help connect people to the life giving message of Jesus by giving them a safe place to explore their faith.


  • The Gospel of John | Flipping Tables | 9/22

    24/09/2024 Duration: 36min

    This week, we're talking through if our passions are in the right place. Wags shares from John 2 on the story of Jesus in the temple courts and left us with 2 questions-   Based on your daily routine, what are you passionate about and what sacrifices/compromises are you making to pursue it? Would Jesus come in and flip over tables or say well done?

  • The Gospel of John | 10th Birthday Reflection | 9/15

    19/09/2024 Duration: 20min

    We celebrated 10 years together as a church on Sunday *cue confetti and cheers*!!!   Wags shared on looking towards the possibility of what God has in store for our lives next as we don't stay fixated on the past but keeping looking towards the future. God's not done yet!   "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

  • The Gospel of John | Following Jesus is a Blessing | 9/8

    10/09/2024 Duration: 40min

    There is more to the story to the miracle that took place of Jesus turning water into wine... Wags shares from the Gospel of John about our faith as a joy and a blessing.   "If God never puts limits on us, why do we put limits on God?"

  • The Gospel of John | Nicole Unice | 9/1

    03/09/2024 Duration: 38min

    This week, Nicole Unice shares the next message in our Gospel of John series. She guides us through both the book of Genesis and the Gospel of John to compare the questions that we are asked in our faith... where are you? and what do you want?   "Jesus knows who you are AND who you are going to be AND what you need... And he wants YOU to know who you are, who you are going to be and what you need."

  • The Gospel of John | Power in the name of Jesus | 8/25

    27/08/2024 Duration: 42min

    We're starting our new series in the Gospel of John as we go through this book of the Bible.    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." John 1:1-4

  • Who we are as a church | 8/18

    20/08/2024 Duration: 39min

    We've wrapped up our Rizzdom series before we start a new one next week! We're talking through who we are as a church and why we do what we do. Wags left us with 2 questions-  Does this make me more like Jesus? Does this make me love others more?

  • Rizzdom | Discipleship and Righteous Living | 8/11

    12/08/2024 Duration: 43min

    In our last week of the Rizzdom series, we're talking through what this compelling life means in discipleship and righteous living.   "The main thing God gets out of your life is not the achievements you accomplish. It's the person you become." - Dallas Willard

  • Rizzdom | David Bailey | 8/4

    12/08/2024 Duration: 50min
  • Rizzdom | Loving Your Neighbor | 7/28

    05/08/2024 Duration: 48min

    We're talking through how we love our neighbor well through how we examine our words, what we tolerate and our actions.    

  • Rizzdom | God's provision and goodness | 7/21

    23/07/2024 Duration: 39min

    Today we're discussing Proverbs 3:21-26  by focusing on God's provision and goodness as we process worry and anxiety.    "Unchecked worry and anxiety will make us unresponsive to the work of the Spirit."

  • Rizzdom | Wonder and Curiosity | 7/14

    15/07/2024 Duration: 46min

    Jackson Hicks shared our next message in the Rizzdom series focused on wonder and curiosity.   "When we embrace wonder and curiosity, we see God's vastness who is the creator of the universe and our personal God."

  • Rizzdom | Discipline and Correction | 7/7

    08/07/2024 Duration: 29min

    Corey Goss shares the next message in our Rizzdom series as we focus on what the Bible says about discipline, correction and conviction.    "Followers of Jesus can embrace discipline as proof of God's love"    

  • Rizzdom | Generosity | 6/30

    01/07/2024 Duration: 43min

    This week we're talking through how do we live a life of compelling generosity.   "What should rise in us is not a Christian's standard of living, but His standard of giving"

  • Rizzdom | Freedom of Self Forgetfulness | 6/23

    27/06/2024 Duration: 40min

    This week we're talking through how we cultivate humility in our lives and in our faith. Thanks for being with us!

  • Rizzdom | Trust in God | 6/16

    17/06/2024 Duration: 37min

    "Our depth of our faith is determined by our trust in the character of God." Wags shares about our wisdom and trust in God go hand in hand and leaves us with a few questions to think over-   Questions about trusting God- How often do I go to Him first? What is my response when I don't get what I want? How excited am I to seek out what God desires? Do I know and appreciate how much God values me? Is there an area of your life where there is partial obedience  

  • Rizzdom | Prerequisites of Living a Wise Life | 6/09

    11/06/2024 Duration: 35min

    Nicole Unice shares the next message in our Rizzdom series on what it means to live a wise life through our daily and lifetime decisions.   BONUS! Wags announced the 2024 Share Offering final numbers- we get to give away $268,652 to our partners! Haven't heard of the Share Offering before? Check it out here- www.hillcityrva.com/give

  • Rizzdom | Living a Compelling Life | 6/2

    03/06/2024 Duration: 40min

    It's time for a new sermon series! We're kicking off our next season focusing on scripture in Proverbs 3 and God's wisdom.   If you're wondering what "rizz" is, stop any middle or high schooler to explain it to you...   Thanks for listening with us!

  • I Doubt It | Is God Angry in the Old Testament? | 5/26

    28/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    Matt Fisher is speaking to us this week for the next message in our I Doubt It series. He leads us through the question of "why does the God of the Old Testament feel so different than the God of the New Testament? Thanks for being with us!

  • I Doubt It | Hell | 5/19

    28/05/2024 Duration: 45min

    Our next sermon in the I Doubt It series focuses on what we know of Hell. Wags shares more about what the Bible says, things to remember and where we point our hope- Jesus.   "We are drawn to Jesus because of the life he brings not because we are scared of hell"

  • I Doubt It | Heaven | 5/12

    16/05/2024 Duration: 44min
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