Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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LIVE MONS 12 PM ET/11 amCT/10MT/9PT Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life youve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didnt have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Lets talk about what nobody talks about and gain access to the possibilities of amazing and empowering sex and relationships where you do not lose you, in fact, you get more of yourself.


  • Enjoying the Magical Relationship With Your Body ~ Guest Grant Gallicano


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What if your body was your best friend? What is the relationship between body and being? If you treated your pet like you treat your body, would your pet run away? Are you grateful for your body? Do you communicate with your body? What if you worked with your body? What does working with your body look like? If you have not been listening to your body now is the time. Your are invited to tune in as we discuss your relationship between body and being with our special guest Grant Gallicano. Grant is a Certified Facilitator of Right Body for You and invites you to a very different perspective about bodies and your ability to change yours. It might be easier than you ever knew possible. Recognize how you are creating your body, having the body that your body wants to be, and what you need to do to create the body your body wishes to be. When you begin to listen to your body, something entirely different can show up. He will inspire you to create the body you truly desire.

  • Invention or Creation of Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Do you invent your relationship? Do you create your relationship? What is the difference? What is a conscious relationship? When you invent a relationship you go into an unconscious place where you invent "I love them and they love me". How many of of those relationships have worked well for you? We would like to get you to a stage where you are unwilling to create your relationships from referencing the past to a place where you are creating from the present for the future. Creating a relationship that has never existed before that works for you. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nob

  • Irrational Magical Relationship with Living ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What are you creating in your life? Are you in the business of succeeding in your life? Are you inviting yourself to the business of living? What would success in your life be for you? Would you be willing to be invited to the business of living? What does that mean? How do you discover that? What is your target in life? What other choices are there? How irrational can you be? What gets you up in the morning? What gets the juices flowing? Why are you not having more of that? Are you willing to receive what you desire? ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nobody talks about and gain acces

  • PEZ Junior in Relationships ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show If that person would just, just, just, just, just, is simple yet we make it complicated but I love them, they are so cute and sexy. We go into PEZ Junior and create the same thing over and over again in relationships. What is PEZ Junior? Listen in how we used PEZ Junior in our own relationships and how we changed that to create a relationship that is simple, fun, full of adventure, easy, as if by magic. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nobody talks about and gain access to the possibilities of amazing and empowering sex and relationships where you do not lose you, in fact,

  • If I Have a Relationship I’m Okay ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Relationship should not be a way of proving of something or a completing of something, "he/she completes me".A relationship should be an expansion of you, not a contraction of you. If it requires you to be limited, it is a contraction of you rather than an expansion. If you have to divorce any part of you to have a relationship, it is a distractor. Creating a relationship distracts you from being all of you. Sex and relationships not not bad or wrong. How they are presented in the romance novels and movies looks like the ideal of oneness, but do you know anyone that lives that way? We keep trying to fit into this reality as though there is something right about this reality. Do you see many people really working well in this reality? There is a lot of unhappiness, a lot of fighting, somebody is dominating, manipulating and controlling, and somebody is giving themselves away. There is a different choice and it requires you to give up these versions of relationships and

  • Family-How Were You Treated As A Kid? As An Adult?


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Family often misidentify and misapply their roles to include things like having to know it all, having to provide you with a list of rules and regulations, and having to control your behaviour. Many families believe other people will judge them based on what you do. What if people are incredibly judgemental and will judge you no matter what you say or do? (especially Family) Are you the really cool person that marries the perfect wife or husband, lives in the perfect house, and raises the perfect kids who everybody loves and admires you for having. WTF? What if you didn't override your knowing in favor of someone else's opinion or judgement? including your family? ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut o

  • Creating Possibilities With Relationships ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What would is like to be totally free in relationships? One of true choice and infinite possibilities? Where are you limiting yourself in relationships? What are the possibilities of creating relationships that have never existed before? Are you willing to create generate and actualize a relationship that most people are not willing to have? What are the possibilities if your relationships didn't have to be trauma, drama, frustration, compromise, self sacrifice and judgement with everyone else? How many of us have been conditioned that to be in a relationship you have to compromise our choices to create a relationship with somebody? What if compromise was the way in which we imprison ourselves by giving up something of ourselves in order to meet someone else's needs? Is that true choice and possibilities? Is there a future in there for you? Perhaps you have a hint of the relationships you kind of like to have that is based on not giving up any part of you. What are th

  • What If There Is No Right Answer In Relationships


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show We have a free will universe here, which means you can choose anything in life and relationships. You can choose that which is contributory and expansive in your life and relationships you can choose that which is contractive and eliminates things from your life and relationships. How does that work? People don't tend to make choices about relationships from consciousness, they tend to choose from other peoples point of view. The funny part about this stuff is you do all the work and everyone around you changes.When you choose to change your points of view about life and relationships, the people connected to also change, often without knowing it. It is weird how this works, but it does. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t

  • Changing An Existing Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show When you are feeling contracted in a relationship, acknowledge that something isn't working. That is the first step, be willing to throw everything out and start again. Relationship is not a wrongness, look at the relationship you are in and acknowledge what is really there. If you are in a bad relationship then don't stay, if you are in a good relationship then keep it. If you can change it great, but don't assume that just being in a relationship will make your life better. Relationship should be an addition to your life. not a subtraction from your life. If the person is not an addition to your life, you may be in the wrong relationship. Are there other relationships to have? Yes if you would like one. You have to be willing to recognize what YOU want in a relationship and be willing to go for that. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve e

  • Creating a Different Kind of Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Are you creating your relationship from experiences of the past? Where did you learn about what a relationship is or is not? Your parents, relatives, friends, books, counselors, therapists, media? What is the right relationship for you? Do you want a relationship? Do you need a relationship? What if what is right for you is so different than what you have been told is right? What do you do? The media in the 60's depicted a relationship as courting with flowers and chocolate, get married, buy a house, wife stays home cooking, cleaning looking after the children, man comes home after working hard all day and she serves him, getting him his slippers, pipe, cocktail, so he can relax while she prepares a hot dinner. Afterwards he goes into the den reading the paper while she cleans up and prepares the children for bed. WTF?! Does that work for you? What would you like to create? When you follow what is right for you, you create a relationship that is wondrous (definition:i

  • Different Perspective on Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Many of us are looking for the perfect relationship even if we pretend we are not. We spend a lot of time on love and relationship and we have so many points of view, judgements and conclusions what true love is and isn't. There are so many other possibilities of being with each other. What if we could change the whole paradigm of relationship ? What if we could change it into something that really works for us? What if it could be about the gift we can be to each other? We will be sharing some of our favorite tools and tips and we invite you to play with them and see what works for you. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in ever

  • Uncage The Feral Female ~ Guest Isis Leeor


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Isis Leeor is responsible for a movement of whole, ripe, and unapologetic women who are finally coming out of the closet. For 15 years, she has been passionately teaching people (women and men) how to connect both hearts, the one in their chest and the one in their pelvis. Isis Leoor has been featured in a myriad newspapers and radio shows alongside people like Storm Large, Dan Savage, Deborah Anapol and Sark. She is a counselor with an extensive background in Body Psychotherapy, Tantra, Hypnotherapy. Basically she does some kick ass embodied work online and in person, through workshops, intensives and private sessions. She is currently working on her book entitled “Feral Female.” In addition to a lot of official studies, Isis has also howled at the moon, been saved by Qi-gong, taken drugs with a therapist, smoked a peace pipe, flipped off a Shaman, learned and unlearned emotionally responsible language, danced with her shirt off in public, avoided marrying an Essene

  • Changing Your Relationship With Your Body ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What is one thing that we all have in common? We have a body. In the search and journey of consciousness and desiring more, our bodies are often overlooked or vilified. What if our bodies are a great contribution to our lives being different? Are you and your body asking for more or something different?What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries and magic of life? What if your body was one of the greatest tools for consciousness and change; for your body, for you and the world? We invite you to more ease, more gentleness, more potency and more fun with your body. What kind of relationship do you have with your body? ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and y

  • Who is in Control? In Your Relationship


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show We seem to know the way a relationship works at this time is there is a dominant person who creates the rules and then there a partner who gives in. The dominant partner has basically defined the structure of the relationship and the other partner fits into it. We tend to spend a lot of our time trying to figure out how to control ourselves so that we can get along in our relationships. Are you willing to explore outside of the normal relationship box and reference points? Are you willing to be out of the straightjacket you have created as your relationship? You begin to live in the moment and empower yourself to create the relationship that works for you, as if by magic. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up

  • Part 2 Inventing or Creating Your Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Invention is when you watch television and see people in relationships and you try to invent that what they are doing is actually real, so you say the same words, do the same actions thinking you are going to create what they have. But you are not creating your relationship, it's a total invention of what reality is. We would you like to get you to a place where you have a different kind of choice so you can start to look at what is and ask, "How would I like to use this?" and "How can I create this?" ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nobody talks about and gain access to the possibil

  • Inventing or Creating Your Relationship Part 1 ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Invention is when you watch television and see people in relationships and you try to invent that what they are doing is actually real, so you say the same words, do the same actions thinking you are going to create what they have. But you are not creating your relationship, it's a total invention of what reality is. We would you like to get you to a place where you have a different kind of choice so you can start to look at what is and ask, "How would I like to use this?" and "How can I create this?" ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nobody talks about and gain access to the possibil

  • Your Relationship with Your Body ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show What kind of relationship do you have with your body? Do you heap tons of judgements on it? Your body is a sensory organ it is designed to give you information. do you ask it questions? What if you could have no judgement of your body and are willing to hear it? Would you like a relationship with your body that is full of ease? You have your body for life, instead of fighting against it, enjoy it, have fun with it, create a magical relationship with it. You will be amazed at what gets created. ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yourself and you can see the value and contribution of you in every relationship? Let’s talk about what nobody talks about and gain access to the possibilities of

  • Is Your Relationship On AutoPilot? ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Is your relationship just a series of routine events that repeat over and over again? Do you find yourself always exhaust and tired? Are you finding that it seems like a daily struggle in your relationship to keeping up appearances? To look normal? What is a normal, average, real relationship that is the same as everyone else? You go into autopilot and close off your awareness and excluding you. This reality is all about standardization, and fit into some standard of what a relationship is, which always excludes the most important person, YOU! By becoming present, which you may find takes a lot of energy because you have not done it in a long time, you will learn that your reality is different than everyone else. Are you willing to be the difference you truly be? There is a point when you become totally present and instead of loosing energy you actually have a lot more energy and life available when you turn off the autopilot. What will you choose? ~ More About Creati

  • Are You Willing to Have a Different Life? ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show This is the life we are in, it is so full of conditioning that we often don't seem to see it. Have kids settle down, find your passion, make something of yourself, don't rock the boat, be yourself (of course the society acceptable version of course). Is this what life is all about? We start doing these things without questioning if they are actually part of our destiny and that is what is going to make a satisfactory life. Are you having a life to live (beginning and end) or would you like to live your life (continuous always present)? What is true for you? Will it create a scandal if you start following what is true for you? A scandal is always about what other people think, you should be normal, to fit in. It is never about what is true for you. Today Bert and Nelly will be discussing a new paradigm for change, what if you had the tools to change everything you would like to change? What if you starting really looking at what is right for you? Being the difference y

  • Why Doesn’t This Relationship Work ~ Bert & Nelly


    Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show Have you tried to learn about relationship from this reality? Have you tried to discover what makes a good relationship based on what everyone else is doing? Do you see them doing all this intense emotional stuff and think they are having fun? Then you try all this and found out it wasn’t fun for you? Over and over again and then start asking what is wrong with me? What am I not getting? Perhaps you are not like other people, perhaps yet you keep trying to be like others and work hard to get it right. There is no choice in things you do that are abut fitting in, winning or losing, you are always in judgement. Where is the freedom of choice to be you? ~ More About Creating Magical Relationships with Bert & Nelly ~ Do you have any places where you are locked up with creating the best relationship and sex life you’ve ever had? What if those places could be unlocked and you could begin to enjoy relationships again? What if you didn’t have to give up or cut off parts of yo

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