Heatrick Muay Thai Strength And Conditioning



Sharing all things Muay Thai performance, so that busy Thai boxers and trainers achieve total physical conficence for the biggest fights!Muay Thai performance includes specialist step by step strength and conditioning programming and sports science education that delivers relentless endurance, knock out power, efficient movement mechanics, career longevity and a supportive community that empowers Thai boxers to continuously grow beyond their opponents.


  • Hindsight – My Young Fighter Training Mistake

    24/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Now in my fifties, the training mistakes I made as a young fighter are finally catching up with me... If some training is good, and more means quicker results, then even more training is even better, right? That's how it felt at the time. However, time and scientific evidence have proved me wrong! The fact is, I'm part of an emerging demographic of caucasian males in their early fifties who, after years heavily involved in sports, now need hip replacements. Don't let either your enthusiasm or FOMO drive you to make the same mistake. Now over 30 years on, we (should) know better. ;) In this episode: 00:00 Hindsight Is A Wonderful Thing 00:24 The Difference Between Good & Bad Reps 00:56 Fast Forward To A Problem 01:38 What To Do & Not To Do 02:33 80/20 Your Solo Practice Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/05/24/hindsight-my-young-fighter-training-mistake/

  • Understanding Your First Fight Performance – Both Before And After

    17/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    Why can't you fight how you spar in training? Why are you so stiff, clumsy, and fatigued? The key to understanding your first fight performance is to recognise the undeniable influence of your psychology on your physiology! Yerkes-Dodson anyone? In this episode, we discuss the tipping point between the optimal amount of stress to achieve your best and dropping over the cliff edge into the shadow of your real capability... Robbing you of your movement, mobility, fitness, technique and fight IQ! And if you're new to competition, this tipping point is far more easily exceeded – and to be expected!! Here's just what to expect from your first fight(s) and how to swing your mindset toward a better outcome, quickly. TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Yerkes-Dodson Anyone? 00:15 Optimal ANS Arousal – More Isn't Better 01:02 The Cost Of Being Over Aroused 01:36 For Your First Fight It's Expected! 02:23 Should You Change Your Training? 02:56 How Your Personality Affects Performance 03:51 How Good or Bad Valence Aff

  • Fighter Training Through Injury – Right or Wrong?

    10/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Are you a fighter training around injury? Should you be resting up or smashing on regardless? I've pushed on when I shouldn't have, and needlessly backed off too. There are lessons to learn here. Injury is part of any athlete's journey. But for fighters, managing injury well can separate you from the competition... In this episode: 00:00 Two Types of Injury 00:48 Testing It Out To See 01:48 How To Train Even When Injured Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/05/10/fighter-training-through-injury-right-or-wrong/

  • Fighter Running Efficiency – A Simple Check And Fix

    03/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    Even for fighters, running efficiency matters! Wasted running effort hurts more than just your running time… Injuries will catch up with you sooner or later. And don’t assume your running technique is good – even if you’re fast, and you don’t currently have injuries. I did, and I was wrong! Although combat sports athletes don’t need optimal running mechanics like say, track athletes, or even field sports athletes might do, fighters must run well enough. Well enough, not to sabotage fitness testing (like the 12-minute Cooper Run for example)… And well enough not to cause excessive wear and tear – creating issues such as shin splints, tendinitis, meniscus damage, IT Band syndrome, etc. In this episode, I share a very quick and simple running efficiency check, and fix. We’ll cover: 00:00 Running Efficiency 00:41 Combat Sport Athletes & Running Mechanics 01:32 Over Striding Is Killing Your Speed 02:46 Correcting Your Running Cadence 03:33 You Think You Run Well 04:53 Using A Metronome App 05:30 1-2 Weeks Prac

  • Training Fighter Endurance – How To Plan Fighting Fitness

    26/04/2024 Duration: 03min

    The secret to training fighter endurance is to plug the gaps in fighting fitness typically left behind by regular bag work, pad work, and sparring practice. Don't do more of the same, develop what's missing. For most fighters, that means targeting GENERAL ENERGY PRODUCTION – the heart and lungs – rather than LOCAL ENERGY UTILISATION at the muscles themselves. And this emphasis shifts as you get closer to your fight, or toward the end of your training phase if you're not competing. Join me in this episode as I explain this transition and offer two extreme examples: 00:00 Fighter Energy Systems 00:38 Supplemental Local Muscular Endurance? 01:09 Progressing 3x Cardio Sessions Each Week 01:39 Cardio Session Examples 02:23 The Right Cardio At The Right Time Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/04/26/fighting-fitness-how-to-plan-fighter-endurance-training/

  • Performance Testing For Fighters – Beyond The Cooper Run

    19/04/2024 Duration: 04min

    Fighter performance testing …It’s cool to see how you measure up… But, if you don’t use the results to personalise your training, then don’t bother testing! Progressing beyond the previous two episodes (weaponising your Anaerobic Threshold), let’s shine a light on how the 12 minute Cooper Run can plug into a battery of performance testing for fighters, and what you can do with the results. In this episode: 00:00 Going beyond a 12-min Cooper Run 00:39 Baseline testing and identifying limiting factors 01:04 The best time for performance testing 01:37 Using the results to personalise your training 02:43 Balancing “adequate” with “Superpowers” Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/04/19/performance-testing-for-fighters-beyond-the-cooper-run/

  • Fighter Heart Rate Training – Weaponise Anaerobic Threshold Part 1

    05/04/2024 Duration: 03min

    When it comes to heart rate training, your maximum heart rate is far less important than knowing your anaerobic threshold heart rate. Most of the time, I don’t care what a fighter’s max heart rate is. But it’s vital I know their anaerobic threshold heart rate… Was that a hard training session?  Your heart will tell you – if you know what you’re doing! Testing for, and training based on your anaerobic threshold heart rate (your maximal sustainable pace) is the secret to knowing if your Muay Thai or cardio conditioning session was easy, moderate, or high intensity. Training at a pace above your anaerobic threshold is high intensity, at this pace is moderate, and below it is easy. In this video I discuss how to test your anaerobic threshold and how to use this information both in your training and to win fights! This is boosting your fight IQ by weaponising your energy systems conditioning. Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/04/05/fighter-heart-rate-training-weaponise-anaerobic-threshold-pa

  • Overdoing It? Training Youth Fighters Part 2

    15/03/2024 Duration: 06min

    Welcome back to part 2 of Training Youth Fighters! In this episode, we continue our exploration into the art of training youth fighters, focusing on the crucial concept of finding balance. Join me as we dive deep into the intricacies of youth training methodology. We'll dissect the common pitfalls of early over-specialisation and the detrimental effects it can have on our budding athletes. We explore why encouraging young fighters to engage in multiple sports not only enhances their overall athleticism but also reduces the risk of overuse injuries later on. Through a comprehensive breakdown of different developmental phases, we emphasise the significance of building a solid foundation of skills and coordination before honing in on specific techniques and competition. From the importance of diverse movement patterns to the psychological aspects of training, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to develop well-rounded, resilient athletes. Whether you're a seasoned coach seeking fresh perspective

  • Is Weight Training Safe For Muay Thai Youth Athletes? Training Youth Fighters Part 1

    08/03/2024 Duration: 07min

    In this episode, we dive into a crucial topic that concerns many coaches, parents, and young athletes alike: is weight training safe for youth Muay Thai athletes? As a seasoned coach with a deep understanding of athletic development, I break down the nuances of incorporating weight training into the training regimen of young Muay Thai enthusiasts. We'll explore the importance of timing, age-appropriate training protocols, and maximising the windows of opportunity for skill acquisition and physical development. From understanding the unique needs of different age groups to tailoring training programs to optimise athletic potential, this video provides valuable insights for coaches, fighters, and parents seeking to support the growth and development of youth Muay Thai athletes. Join me as we navigate the complexities of youth athletic training and discover how to safely and effectively integrate weight training into the journey of aspiring Muay Thai champions. If you're passionate about nurturing th

  • Muay Thai Pad Work Drills – Observation Clusters!

    23/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    Join me in this video coaching session as I share a series of Muay Thai pad work drills using a concept I call “Observation Clusters”. I'll guide you through advanced techniques designed to sharpen your combat skills and enhance your ability to read and react to your opponent's movements effectively. We'll explore the art of throwing combinations while strategically observing your opponent's responses, allowing you to adapt and counter with precision. Learn firsthand from my experience as a coach as I break down the intricacies of pad holding and fighter interaction. Discover how to identify openings in your opponent's defences and exploit them with instinctive strikes. Whether you're a seasoned fighter looking to take your skills to the next level or a dedicated coach seeking new training methods for your students, this video is packed with valuable insights and practical drills to elevate your game. Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/02/23/muay-thai-pad-work

  • Muay Thai Passion – I Did It. You Can Do It Faster!

    16/02/2024 Duration: 03min

    Dive into how my passion for Muay Thai triggered my transformation from engineer to Muay Thai pro and discover how you can fast-track your own journey to success! In this compelling video, I share my pivotal decision to leave behind stability for the thrill of Muay Thai. Learn how I merged modern science with tradition to create a winning formula. From founding a full time Muay Thai gym to reclaiming my spot in the ring aged 40, I've faced obstacles head-on. Explore Heatrick.com for game-changing insights and training tips to accelerate your Muay Thai journey. Ready to silence doubters and embrace your passion? Let's unlock your full potential in the thrilling world of Muay Thai! Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/02/16/muay-thai-passion-i-did-it-you-can-do-it-faster/

  • Muay Thai Head Movement Drills – From The Feet!

    09/02/2024 Duration: 05min

    Want to get better at slipping punches and angling off attacks? In this video, I break down my go-to combo for drilling evasive head movement - the classic 1-2-3 of jab, cross, hook. The key isn't just bobbing your head, but using footwork and hip rotation to naturally shift your head position as you step into your punch. We start by throwing the 1-2-3 continuous on the spot. Then I show how stepping out diagonally on the hook completely changes the angle and stance. You can go left or right for different looks. I also demonstrate mixing up the rhythm - jab, cross, pause, hook. Other important points I cover: * Maintaining proper high guard throughout the combo * Curving your body and twisting from the hips to move your head * Varying between 'red alert' (hands up) and 'green alert' (hands down) based on range This builds so many vital skills - angles, footwork, head movement, versatile punching, and defence. Take your pad work to the next level and get better at slipping attacks! Let

  • Muay Thai Questions And Answers – Zone 2 Cardio, Sparring, Rapid Recovery, Fighter's Deficits

    02/02/2024 Duration: 11min

    You asked. Here are the answers! In this episode I answer your burning Muay Thai questions, covering topics like: * The benefits of Zone 2 cardio training and how to implement it into your Muay Thai training * Optimising for faster in-between round recovery * The ideal sparring frequency for casual and competing Nak Muays * The biggest weaknesses I see even in high-level fighters and how to fix them If you want to maximise your conditioning, accelerate recovery, spar smarter, and fix holes in your game, this video will give you the knowledge and training tools to make it happen! I know the Muay Thai grind can be tough, but implementing these techniques will give you that edge to power through training and unleash your peak performance. This is key whether you're just starting out or an experienced fighter looking to step up to the next level. So get your pen and pad ready to take some notes! This insider knowledge will help take your Muay Thai to greater heights! TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Introduction 00:24

  • Developing a Growth Mindset For Fighters – My Own Battle

    26/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    Growth mindset for fighters? I used to believe my abilities were fixed - until sporting achievements opened my eyes to growth mindset. After childhood math trauma, I was convinced I lacked numerical talent. But unexpected successes in sports showed me that with strategic practice, I could improve dramatically. My fixed mindset began to crumble. I realised if I could excel in areas deemed "impossible," anything was achievable through dedication and incremental progress. This growth mindset quickly accelerated my Muay Thai. Rather than battling opponents, I saw fights as benchmarks for self-improvement. Win or lose, I focused on skill development. Pushing my boundaries drove rapid growth I never thought attainable. The moral is this: cultivate a growth mindset to accelerate your Muay Thai abilities. With consistent, strategic training and a focus on improvement, your potential has no boundaries. Early sporting successes proved this to me. Your only restrictions are self-imposed. Further notes and

  • Muay Thai Sport Specific Training Overkill? The Hidden Risks

    19/01/2024 Duration: 04min

    Muay Thai sport specific training has it's place. But there are hidden risks.

  • Essential Exercise Patterns For Fighters

    12/01/2024 Duration: 03min

    Skip the outdated bro-splits and use the essential exercise patterns to start training like combat sport athlete… It's not enough to just lift weights - we need to train our bodies in a way that transfers directly to better striking, clinching, and evasion. In this video I break down the 8 fundamental exercise movement patterns that every fighter must master to build balanced, functional strength that enhances your speed, power, mobility, and injury resilience. By properly balancing agonist and antagonist muscle strength, you'll be able to strike faster and harder. Whether you're an aspiring nak muay just starting out or a seasoned veteran looking to optimise your training, this episode has invaluable insights you can implement right away. The time is now to build an unstoppable Muay Thai physique! Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2024/01/12/essential-exercise-movement-patterns-for-fighters/

  • The Truth About Fighters Achieving Goals

    05/01/2024 Duration: 03min

    Fighters achieving goals! Feels awesome right? Well, yes and no… If you’re struggling to feel fulfilled and find direction after reaching a big goal in the sport, you’re not alone. In this episode, Muay Thai aficionado Matt Lucas shares his personal experience running a marathon but feeling indifferent after finishing. Reaching goals can be anticlimactic – it’s more about the personal growth during the journey. The MENTAL skills you build are transferable to anything in life after Muay Thai. Self-belief, perseverance, strategic thinking – these will serve you well in future endeavors. Matt reflects on leveraging his diverse skills in photography, writing, managing, public speaking and Muay Thai to build visibility and opportunity. It’s about maximising your platform and positioning yourself for growth. For fighters, he uses the analogy of skills compounding on each other. Being able to jab makes the cross more effective. Developing multiple abilities makes you more dangerous and well-rounded. If you compete i

  • Fight Training Without A Fight? Stealing Muay Thai Fight Camp Gains

    29/12/2023 Duration: 05min

    Fight training without a fight? It may seem counterintuitive, but you CAN capture the performance benefits of a fight camp without ever stepping foot in the ring. The secret lies in periodisation - strategically planning your training into blocks that progressively build strength, power, speed, and Muay Thai specific skills. This optimised structure allows you to simulate a fight camp and its gains without the fight itself. In this video, 51-year-old ex-pro fighter and Muay Thai performance specialist Don Heatrick breaks down the major benefits of using a periodised approach in your training whether you compete or not. Avoid plateaus, prevent injuries, ensure sustainable progress, and align training to your unique goals - periodisation helps any Muay Thai athlete make consistent gains for health, fitness and self-defence. Don draws from decades of experience showing how planned, progressive training variations beat out stale, repetitive routines. Break out of your rut and design a periodised plan tailored

  • Using Supersets The Right Way (Without Annoying Everyone)

    22/12/2023 Duration: 06min

    Supersets done the right way pack twice the punch into your workouts without hogging gym space. Learn clever superset strategies to boost resistance training in half the time. Learn the ideal gym setup, pick the right exercises, and master timing for efficient workouts. Listen now to elevate your strength game without annoying your gym buddies! TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introducing Your Secret Weapon 00:21 What Are Supersets? 00:41 What You'll Learn 00:59 Ideal Gym Setup 02:44 Killer Superset Combos 03:39 Overcoming Superset Struggles 04:18 Managing Rest Periods & Timing 06:06 Wrapping Up! Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2023/12/22/using-supersets-the-right-way-without-annoying-everyone/

  • Fighters and Front Squats – Why You Shouldn’t Give Up

    15/12/2023 Duration: 04min

    Fighters and front squats don't initially tend to get on so well. But, with some perseverance, this relationship transforms! In this episode, I share my journey from hating front squats to making them one of my favorite lifts. Discover how to create a solid "meat shelf" with your shoulders, drive those elbows forward, and activate your lats to own the front squat like a pro fighter holds their guard up. Target your quads and take your knee stability to the next level - front squats are the "leg extensions" of the squat world. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned Muay Thai athlete, these front squat tips will have you lifting heavier with better form in no time... And dare I say it, even begin to fall for an exercise that only its mother could love. TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro: Relating to the front squat struggle 00:17 The Problem: Why fighters avoid front squats 00:50 The Solution: Front squats build athleticism 01:40 Lightbulb Moment: Activate your lats 02:54 Fighter Applicat

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