Rebranding Motherhood

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 17:47:15
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Join Millennial Mother and Spiritual Blogger, De'dria L. Bynum of, as she shares her spiritual transparency as well as the trials within all things Single Parenting, Motherhood, and Black Culture. For additional information search #ReBrandingMotherhood or #RBM on all social media platforms. You will be inspired! Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • 38. PARENTHOOD IS HARD - we need each other.

    24/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    What's up! Just checking in and connecting as always, but with a little more to give. I am discussing the recent motherhood challenges of pre-teen parenting as well as the gratitude of transparency. I want to thank you all for tuning in and as discussed, I will do better with showing face. However, if you really want to connect, pull up to VIRGINIA BEACH on MAY 28TH at 2PM for the ReBranding Motherhood Symposium. All proceeds go toward the RBM Enrichment Fund and if you don't know what that is--click the link below. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 37. The truth about being a "Conscious Mother"

    24/03/2022 Duration: 22min

    What's up mama's, Happy Women's History Month, make sure to leave your mark! In other words, do the work. This episode speaks directly to the importance of Women, specifically mothers, and how much impact we really do have on our children. As you listen to this episode, you will find that the work is not as easy and as light as it may be portrayed in today's society. We must still have those difficult conversations and speak life into our journey as the burdens and barriers are revealed. Being a mother is no light job! And I pray that today's episode encourages you to do the work and to know that you are not alone. Remaining conscious as parent is an ever-changing flow of ups and downs and we must unite and stick together as we navigate this very important journey.  #RBM #motherhood #ministry #mastery @rebrandingmotherhood + --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 36. As a Mother, my Love Language is Legacy Building

    25/02/2022 Duration: 33min

    What's up Mama's! We are back and with a better-defined focus for 2022. As you all know, we are always trying to #rebrand what motherhood looks like for us. And this year, I think we got it down. With the way that the world is shifting and the increase in taxes, we should be better preparing our children AND ourselves for delayed success. In addition to strategizing for the future, we should always be reminded to serve and give back. This is where we speak on the launch of the #RBMEnrichmentFund. Tune in to get the details on how to become a donor and/or to be sponsored for the betterment of your future.   #RBM #motherhood #ministry #mastery @rebrandingmotherhood + --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 35. How to Undo Racism with Jenny Elliott (@careermompodcast)

    12/06/2020 Duration: 52min

    Good afternoon Mama's! How are you all doing with all of this craziness going on? Are you mental checking? Good. Well before we dive into the weekend for some family time + self-care, let's wrap up the week with some diversity talk. Today, I opened up our platform to Jenny Elliott, host of the @careermompodcast, to speak of the difficulties with undoing racism in our communities. As hard as the discussion was for both she and I, we remained vulnerable and vigilant with the intent to learn from one another. She shared her intentional methods for educating her son about diversity. And she spoke of her desire to build a community of multicultural mothers. We learned that providing grace throughout this season is a major solution for such a vulnerable season as this. Please tune in and share your thoughts as we continue to remain conscious within the current racial climate.  Instagram: @rebrandingmotherhood Facebook: @rebrandingmotherhood Website: --- This episode is sponsored

  • 34. How to Consciously Parent with Brandy Wells, LISW (@mymotherhoodmagic)

    28/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    Welcome back Mama's! This is episode 34 of ReBranding Motherhood Podcast and I really wanted to end this month, as well as this quarantine with some intentionality. So this is what today's guest talks all about. Brandy Wells, LISW (@mymotherhoodmagic), wife, mother to 3 girls, speaker, blogger, and sister-friend, gives us a word. Brandy speaks of honest parenting, conscious decision making, and parental guilt. She gives us the correct perspective on just how to shift our narrative by first connecting with our ancestors and later digging within ourselves with the sole intent to raise good humans. Brandy gives us a tip on just how to regulate by stepping away and showing our children how imperfect we really are. It is all about planting the correct seeds from youth, so that we do not have to continue to dig up old roots generation after generation, but rather build on them. We wrap the interview with a few good words as Brandy reminds us to start the healing process within, all the while she says to be kind to

  • 33. How to Maintain Your Momentum During COVID-19 ft. Shilene Aaron

    05/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    Hi Mama's, What it do! Today's episode is all about maintaining the hustle. We are in week six of the Quarantine here in Virginia and the race continues. We are still working, home-schooling, cooking, and cleaning; all while continuing to manifest our God given purpose. Shilene, (@themamamogul), provides us with a couple of tips on how she has learned to restore and reinvigorate during this season. As well as sharing what #mentalhealthawareness means to her. She is a believer, wife, mother, podcaster, and mogul. Tune in Sis and get tips on how to push through during this season. And in the words of Shilene Aaron, "It's more about producing than being productive". Stop using distractions and get to work.   Instagram: @rebrandingmotherhood Facebook: @rebrandingmotherhood Website: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 32: "THE" Millennial Mamma ft. Ebony Dilworth

    19/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    What's Up RBM's! I have missed you all completely, not recording for a little over a month. Let me explain...Due to having to boss up as a mother and help raise sponsorship money for my Little Miss Ivy, things were a bit busy in February. In addition to the launching of her #Blackhistorymonth bookmarks. I was Book'd, literally! But we are back and ready to catch up. On this episode, I have a special guest and my BIRTHDAY TWIN, Mrs. Ebony Dilworth of @themillennialmamma amongst other names. She is a wife, a mother, a career woman, the creator of @princessfoundationnj, as well as her brand in which we will discuss. Today she shares all things inclusive. We talk balance, or lack thereof. We talk communication and how well it affects relationship and business; as well as how to build an effective social media community. She drops gems on what it takes to stay the course and frankly she is DAMN GOOD at it. Tune in and be ready to take notes as we talk Dreams + Reality! Instagram: @rebrandingmotherhood Facebook: @r

  • 31: Domari Dickinson talks Positive & Purposeful Parenting

    29/01/2020 Duration: 52min

    RBM's, we are back just like that and it is already February. Can you even believe it! Listen, this episode of ReBranding Motherhood Podcast is so good that you do not want to miss it. Domari Dickinson of the Positive & Purposeful Parenting movement is here and dropping all of the gems on how to become as effective as possible as a parent this goes for both single or married parenting strategies. We discuss everything from effective communication all the way up to how to prevent yourself from becoming counterproductive with discipline. There are obviously levels to this!  And she even coaches parents on developing a positive family mission statement. Tune in, this is one to catch! #positiveandpurposefulparenting Instagram: @rebrandingmotherhood Facebook: @rebrandingmotherhood Website: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.


    14/01/2020 Duration: 40min

    Happy Season three RBM's, we are BACK AND BETTER than ever! It is a new decade and it’s time for us to #doubleup and be fruitful. 2019 was a year to heal and reflect on what God's purpose is for our lives; and now we are walking in the strength that the last 10 years has provided us. Take a listen to the latest episode of ReBranding Motherhood Podcast as fellow RBM, Verlaine Quinney, and I discuss the difficult topics of business, deadlines, as well as remaining accountable for being intentional in both parenting + purpose. Sis dropped some gems and even shared some her early business challenges as a millennial. Long story short, tune in. It’s a new year.  Instagram: @rebrandingmotherhood Facebook: @rebrandingmotherhood Website: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 29. My Current Conversation Climate with my Daughter (Season Two, Episode Eighteen)

    04/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    First of all, Happy December. We made it, y'all. 2020 is right around the corner and time has completely flown by this year. But wait, let me back up right quick, Happy Thanksgiving! Sis, November was lit. We experienced the lost of Alexis Crawford. Human Trafficking is at an all time high. And T.I. is out here checking hymens. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! But on a serious note, these circumstances have caused me to become very strategic in the conversations that I have with my oldest daughter. It has shifted the way that we move as a family and the frequency of our discussions. Tune in and share your opinions. Bring those community conversations back.  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

  • 28. PROUD HBCU MOM, PeriodT (Season Two, Episode Seventeen)

    30/10/2019 Duration: 27min

    Did somebody say, Homecoming Season? Why, yes it is! BEHOLD...The Green and Gold, periodT. That'll be the Norfolk State University Motto, if you did not know. Now you know! I am super proud of my Alma Mater and the amount of wisdom that I have acquired as a result of attending. Although, I attended both a HBCU and PWI, there was and is still nothing like #MYHBCU! So, there's that. But in all respect, education is lit wherever you are afforded the opportunity to receive it and it has allowed me the opportunity to qualify for a better career and for the betterment of my future, as well as the future of my girls. Being the first college graduate in my family, that generational CURSE IS NOW BROKEN. Talk about it, okay! However, the money is still funny, but God got it Sis. Bills are paid. Insurance is paid. Kids are laid. But, what I am not going to do is...get a second job. So please, let's dead that suggestion in 2020; or Let's talk about it!  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram

  • 27. I Just Want to be Like Tyler Perry When I Grow Up! (Season Two, Episode Sixteen)

    14/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    Sis, okay. Periodt. The title tells all. Uncle Tyler has phenomenally BOSS'd up in a way that our culture completely deserved. And, I just want to learn his ways so that I can create a stable foundation for my girls. I mean because the way that these student loans are set up, I just cannot. I want the career and the business, but I also want the millions and the megatron. I want good credit AND good credibility. But in all seriousness, I am always tired, what is the secret? Somebody please call Unc and give me the Tea! I just want us all to win!  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

  • 26. I'M BYKE: fresh off of the couch (Season Two, Episode Fifteen)

    23/09/2019 Duration: 45min

    What it do, mama's! I am so happy to be BYKE and LIVE. It has been four weeks since I have connected with you all and I am full and ready to pour into each and everyone of you. Sis has been sitting in her bag and on the couch while navigating these seasons of transition. I have composed a list of 27 things that I have learned within the 27th chapter of my life. And listen, this list has changed my entire perspective (in addition to THERAPY). Sis cup is looking REAL FULL instead of half empty. I am no longer settling for fear, but instead I am walking into chapter 28 boldly in faith. Of course it has been a process, but Sis, what hasn't? So yeah, tune in and check out the season that my girls and I are embarking on and don't forget to #LIKESHARESUBSCRIBE! Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://a

  • 25. CO-PARENTING: The good, The bad, The truth (Season Two, Episode Fourteen)

    12/08/2019 Duration: 24min

    What is up, ladies! Happy Monday. Your girl is BACK podcasting LIVE and the new video is up on my #RebrandingMotherhood Facebook page. Now, please excuse the noise in the background, who knew that PC's and ceiling fans could be so loud? So Sis needs to find a more secluded quiet place to record at home, next time. But anyway, the week is lit, Da'Vey KILLED the National American Miss pageant for the state of Virginia. She did not place, however her confidence though! It was at an all time high and so is mine after that. We did that! So, yeah. On a serious note though, because people ask me all the time about my relationship with my kids father, I decided to talk some real about it. Here is where I share my current co-parenting experience and the lack thereof. Feel free to share some tips with me and/or take some peace from the things that I've shared here. Either way, you are not alone because we are all in this struggle together. Let's make Co-Parenting LIT again.  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @ded

  • 24. Motherhood X Manipulation (Season Two, Episode Thirteen)

    29/07/2019 Duration: 31min

    Sis, listen! Today is a word. You all know that as we navigate this motherhood journey, we learn the do's and dont's of intentional parenting. For me, in this current season of my life, I am realizing that I need to Break The Curse of Motherhood Manipulation. Although I was taught to use this tactic within parenting, I have since realized the toxicity related to it. I am so grateful to have come to this realization while my children are still young. What curse are you all attempting to break within your motherhood journey in this season? Chile, let's just do it together. I mean let's just all dive in. I am trying to get it done: the curse breaking, the potty training, and the bed transition. Pray for US, Sis. But wayment, I forgot to mention that #MotherhoodRAWandUNCUT was super LIT. God showed out! And that our annual #MommyandMePicnic is less than 30 days away, so stay tuned.  Like, comment, Subscribe so that we can stay connected.  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @

  • 23. It's OUR Anniversary! (Season Two, Episode Twelve)

    16/07/2019 Duration: 27min

    Do you know what today is? IT'S OUR Anniversary!  Listen, we made it Sis. One whole year of transparency + growth. One whole year of pain + progression. One whole year of good content + positive feedback. So where we are! Today we introduced a new segment: "Let's Talk About It", where we have and will continue to discuss the current difficult topics within our community. We have come so far, no need to stop now. Let's continue to use this platform to face the music for the betterment of our BABIES and our BRANDS. In the words of @Myleik, it is time to "Refresh your Hustle".  Also, Sis is giving away ONE FREE "THE CURSE IS BROKEN" T-SHIRT on this episode of #ReBrandingMotherhood podcast. Only two things that are required to win: (1) Drop a rating/comment, and (2) subscribe to the podcast. Let's get it Mama's because we are just getting started!  Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: Info@iamdedr

  • 22. Copacetic Coffee (Season Two, Episode Eleven)

    01/07/2019 Duration: 22min

    Chile, we've made it through the first six months of the year. We've been holding it down and things are looking up for us AND our children. BUT, it is JULY 1st and time to take things to the next level by way of God + Self- Healing. I don't know about y'all but June was real and Sis needs some restoration right quick before moving on. So for the next 31 days, I will be eating better, meditating daily, regaining self-love, and extending that to my children. Of course, nothing good comes easy, but at the same time, - Let's eliminate the drama and get back in our bag. LET'S GET IT! Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

  • 21. I Think I Made It to the Other Side (Season Two, Episode Ten)

    17/06/2019 Duration: 23min

    Okay, so I am back and Mondays are my official new day to record. Not that it is that important, but I felt like you all should know. Today's episode goes just like this, me sharing information on how I have come to heal and navigate through my testimony. And now, moving on to the other side, called freedom. I speak of the deeper understanding of growth and what real happiness looks like to me as a single mother of two and A Boss Woman, #periodt. And the rest is simply about summer time activity and productivity. Listen in, be inspired, and share with a friend. I want each and everyone of us to make it to the other side for the sake of our children. See you there! Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

  • 20. I Think It's Time for Therapy, AGAIN (Season Two, Episode Nine)

    03/06/2019 Duration: 28min

    What's Up, Mama's! How are you all doing? I am good, so good that I think it's time for therapy. I have so many blessings and things that God is preparing me for that I do not want to allow my crowded judgement or past burdens to slow me down. Have you ever felt that way? Like, you were doing so good that your past was trying to creep up and scare you out of personal happiness? Well, that's were I am, so here we are. BUT, y'all know me, always looking to break curses and shift narratives, so as usual I am going to beat the enemy running. I will be prayin' and therapyin' my way right on through. Who's with me? Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

  • 19. BETTER HURTS! (Season Two, Episode Eight)

    07/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    Okay, so I am here. Barely. But I am here, though. I have just finished this move into my new townhouse, I have officially completed 30 days in my new career(so now I gets the government benefits), and your girl is finally able to breathe...except that I go out of town in less than a week for career development training. So, yeah the hustle is still going. But on a better note, things are looking up and I am growing. I have been experiencing some emotional healing but it is for the betterment of my life and I WILL NOT complain. However, I would like to encourage all of you who are elevating but also feeling the emotional weights along the way, to stay the course and remain in strong FAITH. You've got this and so do I. Because Chile, Better Hurts. Facebook: @ReBrandingMotherhood + @dedrialouisebynum Instagram: @dedrialouise Twitter: @dedrialouise Website: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast: http

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