Inner Source Alchemy



Joyful (& unapologetic) Unfolding.


  • 030⌇A Little Levity

    30/11/2023 Duration: 35min

  • 3 Times a Charm (My Third Freebirth Story)

    16/11/2023 Duration: 01h30min

    Don't miss out on this interesting episode of Inner Source Alchemy as Capri shares the transformative journey of her third freebirth. In this special episode, join Capri as she reflects on the extraordinary journey of her third free birth, which took place at her home on November 6th, 2022. One year later, Capri shares the intimate details, emotions, and unexpected twists that accompanied this unique birthing experience. From the initial tickle of the babies spirit, conscious conception all the way to the profound moments during labor, each aspect is explored with honesty, vulnerability and some humor.

  • 028⌇GUEST: Kris Gonzáles, The Way of Yin⌇Inner Seasons & Golden Opportunities

    01/03/2023 Duration: 39min

    In this episode I share with you a conversation/interview that I have had in the vault as it was recorded nearly three years ago (!), We discuss the timeless wisdom within a woman’s cycle, inner seasons as well as an introduction to the (ancient) important concept of the “three golden opportunities”. If you're interested in vitality, and living connected and at ease from your innate core and on out into the world - this is the place to start. I LOVE these topics and am happy to kick off season three, after a long podcast hiatus! Listen in the end where I give you a little update on my life in real time. Onward into the Yin Water Rabbit year we go!   "Kris (she/her) Kris is a mama, partner, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Nourishing Life Tradition 養生 yǎng shēng practitioner, and one of the guides at Womb School. She grew up in a multicultural home; Star Trek and Kimchi. Her parents met on a navy base in South Korea where her maternal lineage comes from. Her papa is a blend of Norwegian, Irish, Scottish, and Engli

  • 027⌇GUEST: Emilee Saldaya; A Revolutionary Feminist of Our Time.

    01/05/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    This podcast is an introduction Emilee Saldaya, founder of Free Birth society. Her work in the birth world at a fairly young age began opening her eyes to the importance and meaning of feminism. She felt alone in the midst of an industry that was overall harmful to women, which led her to creating what is now an expansive multi-faceted business entity under the name Free Birth Society (which has way more going on than the name implies). She shares her soulful and empowered life path that led her to the place she is now, which is a radical/revolutionary feminist unlike any that came before. In this episode we touch on the following: The global community portion of FBS, which is like a virtual fire circle for women,  what it’s all about and who is involved in it. Entrepreneurship in the Birth World and full-spectrum doulas. The rooted decision to free birth and simultaneously invite the virtual world into that process through FBS podcast, a first of its kind. How she came to terms with how unethical her wo

  • 026⌇”The Coronation” By Charles Eisenstein, a reading. (Wholistic Perspective)

    31/03/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    This is a Great essay that stopped my in my tracks amidst this Covid-19 Pandemic. This is THE wholistic perspective our times are calling for. It cuts firmly through the surface to inquiries on the root of our unconscious. Please listen, read, again and again. Understand what is being said here and share far and wide. Thank You. The source is:

  • 025⌇A New Postpartum Reality⌇

    03/03/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Overview of this episode: Postpartum, the importance of this time on the continuum of a woman's health and wellbeing and the general lack of value put on Mothers genuine health and wellbeing in our patriarchal society. (This goes beyond “the first 40 days”) Postpartum/Motherhood and social media, new terrain in the grand scheme of things . Feeding an algorithm that feeds into popular illusions/highlights (creating false expectations) vs finding a sense of village amidst it all.  3+ Years deep in my postpartum process. Some of the physical aspects. Pitfalls I had in the first 13 months during my initiation into motherhood up until where I am at now with second baby at the end of the forth trimester. How shedding expectations external/internal was vital in becoming more embodied and at home within myself in a new life-changing role.  The importance and layers of support and a strong sense of self-worth.  The difference of my beginning experience and perspective 3+ years ago and my current, fresh postpartum real

  • 024⌇If You're New To This Podcast, You May Start Here! #2020⌇

    22/01/2020 Duration: 20min

    A trifecta of directions! This episode celebrates one year of podcasting on Inner Source Alchemy. Capri looks back at the last year, her special guests, what has led her and the podcast to now, and the direction we are facing going forward. It's a great place to start listening if you are new here. And also, if you've been listening for awhile - you may notice something different in this recording! Capri is taking a new approach in podcasting which hopefully improves your listening experience... Directions (Many Interconnected Though Seemingly Separate) Going Forward: New Guests -Next Wave of Feminism "#smashthefeminarchy" -The Motherhood Journey, new lenses  -Womens Health: Care, Fertility, Birth, Beyond, Education, Lifestyle -Feminine Wisdom -Taoism and TCM: Yang Shen, Wu Wei, Golden Opportunities, 3 Treasures, The Five Elements, Tao & Te, Yin & Yang -Mental Health & Autoimmunity -Regenerative Principals: Gaia  -Business & Psychology

  • 023⌇My 24 Hour Free Birth: Story & Reflections⌇

    19/12/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Recorded Two Weeks Postpartum 

  • 022⌇GUEST: Tim On Being My Free Birth Partner⌇

    07/11/2019 Duration: 16min

    A follow up to episode 021, because the number one question Capri received about her plans to free birth has been “How does Tim feel about it?”

  • ISA • 021⌇I Left My Midwives For a Wild Pregnancy & Free Birth⌇

    24/10/2019 Duration: 58min

    In this important episode, Capri shares (in a round-about way) a bit of her previous/first baby's birth story and how that influenced plans for her current pregnancy and next birthing experience, She went into her first pregnancy and birth with a greater dependence on her care providers, less knowledge and more naivety. Circumstances out of her control led her into the unexpected position of birthing in her (almost) complete power - without her providers assistance, which proved to be incredibly mind-opening and game changing.  After this, there was no turning back. Over the last few years, her interest in the intersection of birth as a money making medical industry (for doctors and midwives alike) and birth as a natural, normal timeless physiological event has grown. The contrast of seeing/hearing/observing all the vast experiences and perspectives women have of birthing "in the system", all while being connected to a large diverse network of women who are having wild, autonomous free births - is blinding. T

  • ISA • 020⌇Starting A Wholistic Virtual Business⌇

    22/08/2019 Duration: 36min

    Within this episode, Capri shares, for the first time, about her business. How "Wholistic" is about more than ourselves.... its about community and the earth at large. After completing her website, and being ready to put this vision out into the world she experienced an inner power struggle. After sorting through what that was all about, she explains how it was about balancing feminine and masculine qualities. In this case, she needed more inner masculine energy in order to feel more stable in the situation. This is something that many business owners (especially women) struggle with.  Some intentions for the future of Inner Source Alchemy is discussed. Meanwhile - her next baby is four months away from being born! Other topics mentioned: The Amazon Fires, Self-Prioritization (the new “Self Care”), and managing all of it.  Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (sim

  • ISA • 019⌇Filling The Mother Cup⌇

    01/08/2019 Duration: 22min

    This episode is about showing up as is. Capri talks about feeling the need to bring more elements into her full Mothering life that bring her back to herself. Motherhood is a very earthly and grounding job, one that Capri was not accustomed to and has been a big adjustment. She looks back at her Maiden years with a sense of admiration and gratitude for all of the free time spent focusing on herself- doing all the things and reading all the self help books. And most importantly, being with herself in reflection, meditation and of course so much learning. All of which contributed to a strong sense of inner sureness. There wasn’t much outside influences in her life.. she ran her own show and found inspiration along the way from an inner compass. As compared to now, with the change of daily life... she noticed less inner sureness, that feels foreign to her. This episode explores what might contribute to that (and takes a small detour into a rant of her observations of the watered down, fragmented and over-copied

  • ISA • 018⌇Unlearning Time⌇

    26/07/2019 Duration: 19min

    One of the most overarching conditionings that has pressed upon us in our Western society is the linear time system. It is efficient and effective but it suffocates an important quality in our lives. One that is more deeply in-touch with natural rhythms within ourselves, earth and beyond. The rise of the Feminine principal (in all of us and societies at large) calls us to really look at the conditioning time has had on our lives and begin to free ourselves from our co-dependent and symptomatic relationship with it. This isn’t about dropping everything and sailing in the breeze, it’s about long term resiliency, perspective and sustainable creation.   Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!

  • ISA • 017⌇Pregnancy Portal⌇

    18/07/2019 Duration: 32min

    After a three month “pregnant pause” from podcasting, Capri gets the wheels turning again in this episode. She opens up about experiencing depression in her first trimester of current pregnancy as she struggled with the physical symptoms. Ultimately, she welcomes the changes she is going through on all levels and considers pregnancy and bringing children into the world a major tool in self development, especially if the intention is there. ~ Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!

  • ISA • 016 GUEST: Jessica G⌇Stroke Recovery, An Unexpected Awakening⌇

    16/05/2019 Duration: 37min

    Jessica G is a 34 year old stroke survivor. She suffered from unexplainable and hardly treatable migraines for years before experiencing a stroke. Along the way- her professional life and persuits have been hijacked and everything in general has been flipped upside-down. Yet on the otherside of the stroke, Jessica finds more ease, contentedness and gratitude in her emotional life than she ever had pre-stroke AND she no longer has migraines. Her drive to survive is strong and not without the support of loved ones. This story and interview is recorded only 6 months after the entirely debilitating stroke and her improvements are heartwarming. Jessica is a woman who has pulled herself out of trenches time and time again, primarily through accessing self sourced inner strength and understanding and practicing the therapeutic art of macrame. You can find her on instagram @jmvalentinemacrame ~ Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but

  • ISA • 015⌇Gentle Emergence & Respecting Integration Time⌇

    03/05/2019 Duration: 20min

    In this candid episode Capri talks about grounding back down into her reality and priorities since taking the trip to the tropics. She shares what she has been working on over the last 9 months and some reality, reckoning, fears and goals for her career path (balanced with Motherhood) going forward. We allow and accept time and integration for “sick” days but where is the space and acceptance to allow similar gentleness and silence on “Im integrating my awesome life” days? Capri philosophies on this social construct before making a request to listeners. She’s looking for one more person to take a sneak peak at what shes been working on in order to offer feedback and critique. Experience preferred! ~ Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!

  • ISA • 014 GUEST: Tim⌇We Wed in Costa Rica!⌇

    11/04/2019 Duration: 39min

    Recorded three days after their wedding in a special little beach town in Costa Rica. Capri & Tim talk a little about the wedding, this location and (semi- secret) plans for the future. The couples openness in communication is displayed as they talk about a unique relationship experience they had with a local tico last year... and their semi disappointing (in capri’s eyes) run in with the same individual this year (so far). Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!

  • ISA • 013⌇Receiving Joy With Deep Gratitude Amidst Grief & Trauma⌇

    05/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    No music, segue or simple edits.... recorded in a hammock on the porch of her air bnb in Costa Rica... Capri fully processes out-loud what her experience has been arriving back to this meaningful place again. Primarily, the juxtapose of all she has been holding in life met with the fluid and flowing energy at this vortex location was significant and incredibly impactful. Healing and important facing of self.

  • ISA • 012 GUEST: Sarah Durham Wilson⌇Ushering The Mother Archetype⌇

    28/03/2019 Duration: 45min

    Sarah Durham Wilson is a writer and teacher who alchemizes her stories of becoming whole and real into lessons for her community. She spent her twenties as a hard living music journalist in New York City and at 31 had an awakening to the Goddess. She’s walked thousands of womxn through witch awakening and onto the priestess path, but has spent the last four years repairing the Ancient Path of the Maiden to Mother, a feminine initiation path from girlhood to womxnhood.   Capri has been following along Sarahs richly insightful and artfully presented life lessons for the greater part of the last decade. Her work first appeared to her in the form of Do It Girl, an online persona that showcased much of her writing - which had a tendency to go viral especially amongst young maiden womxn, like herself.   In more recent years, Capri’s awareness of her work was reactivated and on deeper level. Sarah was (the only person, that she could see) teaching about something so near and dear to her current evolution point, basi

  • ISA • 011 GUEST: Rhiannon Griffiths LAc.⌇Five Element Wisdom For Personal Insight⌇

    21/03/2019 Duration: 52min

    The rich understanding of the Chinese Five Elements as it relates to our unique constitutional makeup as humans is not common knowledge. In fact, it is probably the least openly discussed Element system. The origins of this wisdom carried on the knowledge through oral traditions - master to student, master to student, which in the "age of information" is a very valuable and extremely important currency of  knowledge.    Both Capri and Rhiannon have been personally propelled within their self-development journeys, for over a decade, by being recipients in this traditional line of elemental awareness. Rhiannon, as a practicing traditional acupuncturist, co-activist coach and writer has taken her passion for the Five Element wisdom a step further by creating accessible content that allows individuals to "feel into" what life is like through this different lens of viewing ourselves.    Essentially, she gently opens the healing door into the world of the Five Elements to anyone and everyone. Especially relevant fo

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