Create Your Purpose



Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur


  • Planning for a Purposeful 2023 (+ My 3 Rituals!)

    19/01/2023 Duration: 40min

    Working IN your business helps you survive, but working ON your business helps you *thrive.* To protect your big ideas and move them forward, you have to build guardrails: simple rituals and habits to help you prioritize what you work on, plan ahead, and take strategic action. Listen to this episode** where I take you behind the scenes of my 3 business planning rituals (annual / quarterly / monthly) that help me make time for what matters most and grow my business with purpose. **I'm bringing this episode back from the archive because it's FULL of good tips for the beginning of the year. That's why you'll hear me mention past dates, but all the planning rituals are still ones I practice in my own business and teach to members of my Collective. • • • • • See full show notes: Join my FREE Priority Planning Workshop on January 25th @ 12pm PT. I'll help you identify the exact business-building projects that will help you take steps forward & grow you

  • My 2023 Word of the Year

    05/01/2023 Duration: 30min

    It’s that time of year w
hen everyone on social media declares their "Word of the Year." Is it just a trend or does it have the power to change the trajectory of your business (& your life)? Tune in to hear how my own "Word of the Year" helped me shift my entire business model, develop a new (& meaningful!) profitable offer, AND create space to start a family. Plus, hear what word I've chosen for 2023 and learn how you, too, can choose a word that can shift your business this year with purpose. • • • • • Are you ready to get the kind of support, accountability, and education that will get you one step (or ten steps!) closer to your goals in 2023? The waitlist for my Create Your Purpose Collective is now open and you can get $100 off your membership when you join the waitlist! Add your name to get an exclusive invite (sent to waitlisters only!) to join the next cohort at the end of this month: • • • • • See full show notes:

  • Is Instagram Worth it Anymore?

    22/12/2022 Duration: 49min

    There is an elephant in the room we need to discuss: Instagram! Is it worth staying on this platform anymore? Can you actually see biz results from it? Or should you give up and head over to TikTok? I answer all these questions and more in this episode where you'll hear my "hot take" on Instagram right now and how the echo chamber of haters can often drown out the reality. Tune in to learn how CAN still get results from IG (with an audience that's smaller than you think) plus, I give you 6 of my best strategic tips you can implement right away that will help you see that Instagram, can - in fact - still be "worth it" with the right approach. • • • • • Wanna learn 3 types of Instagram posts that will get REAL engagement in 2023? My new video training is now live! Sign-up for free here: You'll learn how to QUICKLY create content that *actually* lands with your audience and drives real biz results! • • • • • See full show notes:

  • Komal Shah's Pilgrimage to Purpose

    10/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    [From the archive] This conversation was the 3rd-ever episode of this podcast! That's why I'm bringing it back so you can hear from the ever-inspiring Komal Shah - education consultant, author, and longtime Create Your Purpose Collective member! Tune in to hear the full story of how - while on a holy pilgrimage in India - Komal met a child that changed the path of her life and helped her uncover her purpose. We talk about how this chance encounter sparked deep reflection, why she believes prepping children for the workforce is the wrong approach to schooling, and how Teach for America was integral to her own life experience. I'll be taking a break for Thanksgiving and back in your ears on 12/1! See full show notes:

  • When Business Meets Baby with Kate Rosenow

    27/10/2022 Duration: 01h22s

    Tomorrow is a big day: my due date!! Whether bébé has arrived yet or not, I think this topic will help those of you who are considering starting a family or already navigating motherhood & entrepreneurship. If motherhood is NOT part of your journey, I honestly still think you'll get so much out of this episode because the heart of our chat is really about *prioritizing what matters MOST.* Kate Rosenow is systems strategist, author of All Moms Work, and founder of soon-to-launch Business Meets Baby. We talk about how she navigates her role as business owner & mother, why she views systems as a necessity (not a luxury), her unapologetic attitude to societal "shoulds," and the unpaid domestic labor that women perform. I also share some of my candid thoughts about my own "matrescence" journey and some of the challenges I'm currently working through. See full show notes: • • • • • Does Instagram feel like a big ol' drag? Wish you knew how to quickly cre

  • The Anti-Purpose Marketing Myth That Must Die!

    13/10/2022 Duration: 28min

    What a dramatic title, huh?! But this topic seriously gets me riled up! "Consistency" in marketing is often equated with how often you post/email/create content, but it's also a recipe for BURN OUT! What's the alternative, you wonder? Tune into this episode to hear it! You'll get my candid thoughts on why marketing gurus need to be more nuanced in how they talk about content, learn some "radical" questions that will help you root back into purpose, and some stories from real entrepreneurs who have made shifts in their marketing that make them feel GOOD. See full show notes: • • • • • Does marketing on your business Instagram feel way too hard? Wish you knew how to quickly create content that your audience LOVES and drive real biz results? Access my free new resource: The Instagram Content Vault! You'll learn 5 content categories that get engagement and see real-world posts from biz owners & why they work to inspire your next Reel or post

  • Crush your Money Goals with Bernadette Joy

    29/09/2022 Duration: 53min

    Does even thinking about your biz bank account make your knees quake? You're not alone! Getting familiar with your numbers can help you take big leaps forward as an entrepreneur. That's why I invited Bernadette Joy, debt-free money coach, to talk about how you can move towards financial independence in your business (and what FI *really* means). Tune in to hear how she eliminated $300k in personal debt and turned her experience into a business helping others do the same. Plus, learn what "financial wellness is," how women entrepreneurs can take action to close the gender wealth gap, and get tips to help you invest in you business' future. See full show notes: • • • • • • • Ready to build momentum in your biz? Find out which of the 5 stages of business you're in so you can take the right kind of action to grow with purpose!

  • Responding & Reacting to Failure in Business with Laura Kelly

    15/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    Get ready to channel your inner cheerleader! Laura Kelly is a confidence coach who brings some pep to the podcast that I wasn't even prepared for (but delighted nonetheless). Listen to hear about the time she launched a brand new offering in her business only to "fall flat on my face, not once, but TWICE." Even more importantly, we talk about how she REACTED and RESPONDED to these so-called failures, documented them publicly, and forged ahead with purpose. Tune in if you want to get a masterclass on being your own cheerleader, how to re-frame biz failures as learning lessons, and how to keep moving forward *while* honoring your feelings. See full show notes: • • • • • Does your marketing overwhelm & drain you? Attend my FREE workshop to learn how it can fuel your business bottom' line AND *actually* energize you as an entrepreneur!

  • How to Sell More without Selling Out with Erika Tebbens

    01/09/2022 Duration: 58min

    We're in a season of talking marketing & sales on the podcast - those tactical things you can do this fall to build momentum & drive REAL results by the end of the year. So, I invited Erika Tebbens - an expert on sleaze-free sales - to share actionable tips along with her insights on the more subtle, internal shifts that will help you *actually* feel good about selling. Yes, it is possible! Tune in if sales & marketing does NOT feel natural to you and learn how to have conversations that convert, why just "creating content" isn't good advice, and the one mental shift that will change everything & help you grow your business with purpose. See full show notes: • • • • • Does your marketing overwhelm & drain you? Attend my FREE workshop to learn how it can fuel your business bottom' line AND *actually* energize you as an entrepreneur!

  • The 5 Stages of Business, Explained!

    18/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    You didn't start your own biz to feel overwhelmed & joy-less. You wanted to feel LIT UP by your work! Let me introduce you to something that will make it EASIER to know *exactly what to focus on* (& invite back in your sparkle): The 5 Stages of Business. Are you a Curious Carole? Or a Scaling Sam? Listen to hear the backstory of why I created the stages in the first place, why knowing your stage can help you build momentum, a breakdown all 5 stages, and specific action steps you can take in order to grow. • • • • • Find out your stage on my new quiz: It's 10 questions that will help you bust through common challenges of your stage & get clear steps forward to grow your business with purpose (not overwhelm)! • • • • • See full show notes:

  • Bed-bound & Building a Business with Lisa Spring

    04/08/2022 Duration: 52min

    3 years ago, Lisa Spring suddenly became severely disabled. While grieving the loss of her vocation, she found herself questioning how she could possibly "create her purpose" while relegated to bed. Lisa and I talk frankly about the dark days of her illness (and how Spotify playlists got her through it!) and how adjusting her expectations to meet reality as it was was how she moved forward. Listen and you won't help but feel inspired by Lisa's mindset, her entrepreneurial tenacity, and how she works *with* her brain & body instead of against them in order to truly live out her purpose, even in the face of hardship. See full show notes: • • • • • Join me, Lisa, and 45 other purposeful women in business inside of my Create Your Purpose Collective. Spots open in September!

  • A Brave Conversation about Race with Bryana Clover

    21/07/2022 Duration: 52min

    From a young age, Bryana was aware of often being the only Black person in predominantly white communities. That sparkled her passion to help organizations & individuals create BRAVE spaces to have tough conversations about race, and this purpose has driven her business decisions ever since. This was my 2nd-ever episode of this podcast and it deserves more attention than it got! That's why I'm bringing it back from the archive so you can hear from this inspiring woman & Collective member & and learn how to integrate anti-racism into YOUR life & work. See full show notes: • • • • • Ready to cut through overwhelm & move your plans forward in the 2nd half of 2022?

  • The Big Business Idea I Let Go Of

    07/07/2022 Duration: 18min

    Way back when this was a lil' baby podcast with a small group of listeners, I released this solo episode about the travel magazine idea I thought would become my entire business. That is UNTIL I let that idea die... So, I decided to dust off this audio from the archive to share it with more of you! Listen to hear the backstory of how I decided to go full-time in my biz 5 years ago, how I followed my curiosity and (magically) met collaborators along the way, and the mind mapping exercise the finally showed me that my idea needed to die... and what I decided to do next.⁠⁠

  • Purpose-ify your Website & Copy with Krista Walsh

    23/06/2022 Duration: 49min

    Anyone who has ever DIY'ed their website knows it's wayyyy more than just a website. It's your purpose brought to life, and as Krista Walsh - copywriter & strategist - says, it can also be your primary sales tool. That is, If you do it purposefully! We dive into all things messaging, website, & copy in this episode so tune in to hear tactical tips to up-level your About page, ways to zero in on aspects of your biz to share (& what to leave out), and how to sell your offers without feeling spammy. See the full show notes:

  • Systems Over Stress with Ashley Hogrebe

    09/06/2022 Duration: 54min

    Do you often feel unorganized in your business, "all over the place," and like you're spending a lot of time on things that don't actually move the needle? Meet Ashley Hogrebe, your new systems savior! As founder of Do the Damn Thing, she helps neurodivergent online business owners get streamlined using Airtable and Zapier. Listen in to hear how YOU can choose systems over stress, how systems should work for YOUR brain, why automation can be your "first hire," and pro tips on specific tools that will give you time back in your day!

  • Profit on Purpose 💰✨ [Masterclass]

    02/06/2022 Duration: 01h16min

    Couldn't make my masterclass live or prefer to listen? Catch the audio of the recording here! If you're ready to grow your bottom line *without* burning out and while staying connected to WHY you started your business in the first place, this one's for you. After listening, you'll be able to

  • I'm Pregnant! (& How I Shifted my Business to Prepare)

    26/05/2022 Duration: 51min

    I've made some big shifts in my business to get ready to start a family, so I decided, why not open up about it (and my pregnancy itself so far) to help any other biz owners who may be interested?! Enter: the pregnancy episode... Tune in to hear how my journey to baby started 5 years ago, the trade-offs I made to transition my business model, and even a look a my revenue / profit numbers that made it all happen. Plus, hear my honest thoughts about pregnancy Facebook groups (beware!) and why my second trimester is kind of WILD. Want to explore how you can make purposeful decisions in your own biz to support your life and family? Register to attend my FREE & live masterclass on June 1st: ✨ Profit on Purpose!

  • From Employee to Entrepreneur with Danielle R. Harris

    12/05/2022 Duration: 59min

    Danielle R. Harris has wanted to create something of her own since 2014, but didn't know what that looked like until 2020 when she started taking her first steps forward to become an entrepreneur. If you're currently building up a side hustle or thinking of leaving your 9-5, or are even in the first year or two of running your business, I can't recommend this episode enough! Danielle opens up about how she finally KNEW it was the right time to leave, the steps she took to fund her ideas before she ever left, and the mental toughness she's developed in the first year on her own.

  • The Journey to the Doodle Bus 🚌

    28/04/2022 Duration: 44min

    Are you ready for a magical mystery tour of entrepreneurship, filled with twists & turns and an artsy school bus complete with a full-size bathtub?! Buckle up to hear from Nikki May, artist & designer, who is packing up to move into a school-bus-turned-tiny-house-on-wheels to live, work, create, and travel in! Tune in to hear how Nikki's purposeful decision-making in her business and life has led her to her next big adventure.

  • 5 Instagram Content Types & Formats that Work in 2022

    14/04/2022 Duration: 48min

    Boy, has the Instagram content landscape changed! Tune into this tip-filled episode to dive into 5 types & formats that work in 2022. You'll learn how to show up with more confidence, create content that *actually* gets engagement, and learn why consistency on the Gram does not have burn you out. Head to the show notes to see the examples I share in action and learn how you can create 2 months worth of IG content your audience will *love* in 6 hours in my new course!   Purchase my new IG course "Create with Confidence" by 4/21!   Other Links and Resources Carousels Challenge / Status Quo Meme Inspiring / Motivating

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