The Life Bath Podcast



The Life Bath is a chatty lifestyle podcast where I interview amazing people about their life, career, passions, and especially how they navigate through this crazy thing we call life. I have so many fantastic guests lined up from local North East Bloggers to Entrepreneurs, and people with life stories to share.


  • S1 Ep 9: Jenny Hicken - The Red Box Project

    26/05/2019 Duration: 51min

    This week’s topic is something I am passionate about and that needs to be talked about a lot more and that is periods, and why everyone needs to stop being embarrassed about mentioning periods or think they are something we need to hide. More needs to be done to help with the cost burden of having your period especially in young teenagers, and that leads onto this week’s guest, today I chat to the lovely Jenny who is a volunteer for The Red Box Project which is a non for profit organisation that helps supply schools with sanitary products for girls that may not have access to these products when on their period. And the stats on young girls missing school because of not having the right products when on their period is really upsetting. So keep listening to find out more.

  • S1 Ep 8: Kim Scott - These Girls Can Run

    12/05/2019 Duration: 52min

    This weeks guest is the incredible Kim, the founder of the These Girls Can Run running groups. Kim chats to me about why she started running and how she built up the confidence to create this fantastic inspirational running group for ladies that might have never run before. We discuss how running helped with her mental health and how you can get involved no matter what your fitness level. Enjoy

  • S1 Ep 7: Alex Hurley - Hotpod Yoga

    28/04/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    This week’s guest is Alex the owner of Hotpod Yoga Newcastle. I reached out to Alex because I had been to a few Hotpod yoga classes and it fascinated me and I personally wanted to learn more about Yoga in general. So what better way than to get Alex on the podcast to tell us all his personal journey with yoga and becoming a yoga instructor and also being a business owner of a franchise

  • S1 Ep 6: Rachael - The Daily Nutritionist

    14/04/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    This week I am joined by Rachael a nutritional consultant that also runs the blog the daily nutritionist. On this episode, Rachael and I talk very openly and honestly about eating disorders and how we have both struggled with disordered eating. If in any way you think you will be triggered by a discussion like this, please stop and come back when you feel you can. If you want to hear more and understand this mental health issue and even how you can help people around you keep listening.

  • S1 Ep 5: Helen Newman - Honestly Helen

    31/03/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Can you believe we are half way through series one, I have spoken to so many amazing people so far and loved every second I hope you have as well. And we have 5 more incredible people and subjects yet to come before we take a break before series two. Right, let’s get onto episode five. This week I am joined by Helen from the blog Honestly Helen. I wanted to talk to Helen as we had been friend online for a while and when we met up in real life we hit it off instantly so I knew she would be great fun on the podcast. We mainly talk about our slight additions to our phone and all things digital and why having a break sometimes is a good idea, also it seems to becoming a theme but there is also a boyband chat in there as well. Keep listening and I hope you enjoy

  • S1 Ep 4: Rachel Kershaw - Life in Geordieland

    17/03/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    This week I am joined by Rachel from the blog Life in Geordie Land. Rachel is an honorary Geordie and her northeast travel blog is visited by everyone looking for recommendations for things to do in the northeast, she has been in the North East for 20 years now but still has her lovely Lancashire lass accent. Rachel is also a voiceover artist which she uses her lovely accent for, it is so interesting to hear about. Mainly we talk about Rachels diagnosis with cervical cancer, why she is such an advocate for cervical screening and what life is like 10 years on. I can not stress enough how important it is to go for your cervical screening (smear test) it is a type of cancer that can be caught very early, so there is no reason us ladies shouldn't be going every time we are due to. The Charity that really helped Rachel, that she chats about in this episode is Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. This charity does amazing work supporting ladies with cervical cancer but they also provide help and advise at any stage even i

  • S1 Ep 3: Gemma - Gemma’s Little World

    03/03/2019 Duration: 57min

    Today’s guest is the amazing Gemma from the blog Gemma’s Little World. Gemma describes herself as a plus size fashion blogger and her confidence and honesty really is inspirational to so many people. I have followed Gemma for a while now and she has helped me with my own body confidence issues which we talk about. We also talk about her struggles with Polycystic ovarian syndrome and how it affects her life. I loved chatting with Gemma so enjoy #thelifebathpodcast

  • S1 Ep 2: Nyomi - Nomipalony

    17/02/2019 Duration: 01h20min

    This week I am joined by Nyomi from the blog Nomipalony. Nyomi she is a feminist family blogger and if you are not following her on Instagram then you really have to as she is hilarious and so real. I chat with Naomi all about her parenting journey, why she is passionate about feminism, her fight for equality and why it's absolutely fine to have a hairy pit. I love watching Nyomi on Instagram, her honesty is so refreshing and she makes me want to be more passionate about certain subjects. Her blog covers a wide range of topics mainly focused on parenting, feminism and equality and is incredibly informative and a great hub for parents seeking honest advice. Nayomi talks all about her breastfeeding journey in our chat and how she overcame the problems with breastfeeding and lack of advice when breastfeeding her first baby by researching as much as she could herself. Even though I don’t have kids I love listening to people’s journeys through it all and Nyomi really is inspiring I love how passionate she is abo

  • S1 Ep 1: Chloe - New Girl in Toon

    03/02/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Chloe McGuirk is the creator of popular North East Travel and Lifestyle blog New Girl in Toon, and I can proudly say she is also a good friend of mine. Chloe and I met through blogging and I have been inspired by her ever since I first read her blog. I could not think of a better first guest to have on the podcast. With her 5k strong Instagram following and North East based blog, Chloe is the go-to person for all that is good to see in the North East of England. Chloe's days out, hotel and restaurant reviews, and general adventures are what keep people flocking back to her website, but I sat down with Chloe and talked about her life: from losing 3 stone, finding love at Weight Watchers and moving to the other side of the country, to how she deals with life in general, and when things get hard. I had so much fun with Chloe recording this episode so I hope you enjoy it just as much. Please get in touch on Twitter or Instagram using #thelifebathpodcast. Find out more on the accompanying Blog Post https://www

  • Series One Teaser Trailer

    21/01/2019 Duration: 01min

    It is here! It's finally a thing, an actual thing! The Life Bath podcast has been born, and I use the phrase born as it really is my baby. I have watched my lovely husband record, edit and produce the amazing Gonarch's Lair podcast and I thought, "I want to get myself one of those", and while we were walking the dog a few months ago, the idea for The Life Bath podcast was conceived (these metaphors are starting to get weird so I'll stop). The Life Bath is going to be a chatty lifestyle podcast where I interview amazing people about their life, career, passions, and especially how they navigate through this crazy thing we call life. I have so many fantastic guests lined up from local North East Bloggers to Entrepreneurs, and people with life stories to share. My husband may even make a cheeky appearance at some point!